Abscess, open wounds

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Abscess, open wounds

Post by blossomrose »

After recently leaving my ex a month ago we have not spoke. I dreamed last night he came to me with a huge abscess outside his cheek beside his nose and one forming on his forehead. I told him it needed to be treated because the infection was going to his brain. He lifted up his arms and on the back sides of both were huge blister looking abscesses full of pus and blood and ones that ruptured left flesh hanging off his arms. He turned to walk to the door and he became a 7-8 year old child full of wounds on his back and his calves had huge gaping holes from flesh eating bacteria! Before he walked out the door he said he was going To go buy a rice maker. Because the one he had wasn't big enough. I reached up and hugged him because I could sense his fear. When I woke up I felt as though I was seeing my ex boyfriends wounds and sins. If anyone has a clear understanding please reply. Thank You
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Re: Abscess, open wounds

Post by PastorJKG »

Proverbs 27:19
As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man.

The face often speaks of the heart. This person carries allot of wounds and hurts. Seems to be a intercession dream to give you a burden to pray for their healing and deliverance. It could be that the wounds go back to his childhood when he was about that age. This can often be very hard to deal with if you have no training in that area. It sounds like he could use some professional help. His situation is literally eating him alive.

Hope this helps
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Re: Abscess, open wounds

Post by blossomrose »

Thank you for your reply. I have been praying for him! Through out the day every day !