Accidental date

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Accidental date

Post by bella »


I was in a long narrowish room on the side of a house. Carpeted. Windows all around with a door leading out to the lawn. I went outside and walked through the yard and around a bush. The yard was surrounded with trimmed hedges.

I went to walk back to the door and saw spider webs running from bushes to hedges in all directions except the one I came through. I thought that was amazing that I had just picked the one way through the yard that didn't have a spider web blocking it.

So I went back the same way I came. I bumped into a woman in the yard. She was middle aged and slim, and dressed in exercise gear. I has a conversation with her. She had a hobby/money making enterprise where she was making Barbie Doll clothes and selling them on eBay or something like that.

She told me to take a Barbie Doll outfit and go and see my friend Tina who is a pastor of a church she and her husband started. It seems she lived south (IRL she lives O.S.).

So I left the yard and headed to a property where Tina lived that everyone referred to as the farm.

I decided to run. And I'm running down this road that had some buildings which then became more like a country road, with the occasional building.

After a while I realised that instead of running down the hilly bit, I could fly. So I started to fly a feet or two above the road. I knew eventually I'd have to land.

At some point I realised i was thinner (probably from running) and my bust was smaller and looked like I'd had a breast reduction surgery. IRL I don't run for that reason (it's not comfortable).

There was a man along the roadside, and he stopped me to talk because he was interested in how I was travelling.

We chatted and I think he asked me what movie I'd most recently seen. I couldn't remember the name of it, but I said I'd seen it at The Barracks. He asked me what the Barracks was. I explained it used to be police barracks. He said he'd been to see Sing. I said that was on my list of movies to see (it isn't IRL).

Then all of a sudden we were up at the Barracks in a brick room with open holes and now windows (some parts of the buildings at the Barracks are a bit like that.

Then I realised there were two men in the room. I stopped talking to the first guy and naturally started talking with the second guy. This second guy was telling me about the sort of work he did. Then all of a sudden there was a bench in front of him and he was arranging things on the bench like a gun and other equipment. His job was as some sort of private consultant, and in the dream his job brought to mind the movie character of Liam Neeson in Taken.

And as we spoke he started preparing food, mixing things with both hands at the same time.

We then sat at a table to eat, and there was a young girl, his daughter, at the bench seat next to me. We kept talking and this man, whose name was Eric, was telling me about himself. I could see the other man at a table across the room.

Eric was telling me about his father, who had been in WWII. The way he spoke was very kind and poetic and sort of intimate even though we'd just met. I was amazed at this speaking style, and I felt like I was on a date. He told me he really liked me and I responded that I really liked him too. I asked him his age, but it seemed to shock him because he was being so romantic and I was unromantic and straight forward, but he told me he was born in 1949. I realised that didn't seem right because that would make him in his 60s but he looked around the same age as me. I told him I was 49 years old (which I'm not, but in the dream seemed truthful).

At one point he pointed to my shirt which was black and white stripe, at a small piece of food which had dropped on it.

At another point, he did something to "accidentally" brush his cheek against mine, but i think that was earlier in the dream - not sure.

At the point we told each other we liked each other, the other guy who was sitting at the table waiting, who I'd been talking to first, got a sort of disappointed look on his face, like he liked me but he'd missed his chance. But the conversation with the second guy just started out as a chat with a stranger and quickly made its way to starting a relationship.


Not sure what this dream is about.

I looked up 49 because it appeared twice. It's not positive. Wrath of God.
Eric means "ever always; ruler".
Tina means follower of Christ.
Spider's webs in my dreams means the enemy's attempts to trap me, in my mind.
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Re: Accidental date

Post by eyes.enlightened »

Hi Bella,

I don't have an interpretation but, #49 also means, Sabbath of Sabbaths; to finish or bring to close a concern or problem (Hebrew Jubilee)

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Re: Accidental date

Post by bella »

Thanks eyes enlightened, that makes sense to me - makes the dream make sense :-)