Stuffed animal and person

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Stuffed animal and person

Post by militantone »

Hello, had a dream in which I had a Luigi ( Mario's brother) stuffed doll that was green and it came to life and got angry as I held it. I then said the green meant either envy or jealousy or life. My mom came and took it from me and she began holding it. Then I had a different dream with care bear that was green.


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Re: Stuffed animal and person

Post by ispeaktheword »

Hi Militantone,

I don't have an interp. I have a question. Do you have any sibiling or someone close to you like a brother or sister that reminds you of the actions of the Luigi doll?

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Re: Stuffed animal and person

Post by militantone »

I have a brother but he doesn't really act this way.