Multiple Dreams

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Multiple Dreams

Post by karlell »

I am a born again believer. Can you help me interpret multiple dreams ive been having. after the first dream , they have been coming more frequently.

Dream 1
I am standing with my hand on a womans forehead rebuking satan and commanding unclean spirits out of her. The scene i see is inside a church but some how i feel we are standing on the outside or i am viewing from the outside as in cross section. As i pray for her, i realize there is a long winding cue of people behind her waiting it seems for their turn. Some faces i recognize, others i dont some faces are a blur. My vision is taken back along the line of people. It comes to an end where a mini passenger bus is dropping off more people.
The sound of falling coins changes my focus. To the side of me is a cart stacked with wooden crates upon crates of silver coins, two young children are playing on the top of these crates pushing the coins to the ground.
One child takes a hand full of coins and offers them to me, opens his hand as the coins come falling down from the top.
I notice the silver coins to be a mixture of coins ive never seen before and coins that some how i feel are known to me. I reach down pick up one foreign coin to examine it. A very close friend of mine appears and i hand him the coin asking him 'where is this coin

Dream 2
I am at some outside gathering. There is a large crowd of people seated on chairs under a huge marquee tent. There is only standing room left and outside around the tent people are gathered watching the event taking place.
I am standing at the side just inside under the marquee. I am able to see all that is happening even though in this dream i do not physically leave my spot.
A man at the center of attention is speaking through a hand held microphone, he is standing at ground level at the front of the crowd under the marquee. Standing beside him is a man who seems to be handicapped with a slightly twisted face. The man speaking is challenging the crowd, anyone to prove God exists by freeing the handicapped man from his condition. A pull tells me to go. I sense it to be the Holy Spirit.
I make my way to the front, through the seated crowd, I reach the front, Both my whole arms from shoulder to fingertips feel heavy. There is a peace that comes over me, i know God is with me.

The whole world around me at this moment becomes a blurr. My entire focus is on the handicapped man, thats all i see clearly.
He is seated looking down at the ground. I place both my open palms on the side of his head and say " look at me " He looks up, with eye to eye contact i say "God can heal you"

Then in Jesus name i start commanding spirit of infirmity, unlean spirits out of him.
The man stands to his feet, his face becomes whole no longer twisted but with a surprised look on his face he says to me "No i wont"
I say "yes you will, at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow including you" He tries to get away, i take hold of his wrist and continue "out in Jesus name" There is continued resistance.. i awake

Dream 3
I am travelling on a passenger airplane with a group or team of people. We are all dressed in the same wear. Some how i know we are going to represent our country at some event or games of some sort.
The country i am representing in this dream is a country i have visited twice in my life. ( TAHITI) I am not a citizen of this country in real life.
The plane lands in another country (NEW CALEDONIA) Both these countries are french territory and both are in the Pacific ocean. i awake

Dream 4
i am seated in the front row of church. I am giving my testimony of God healing me of cancer. However while giving my testimony i am seated with my back to the congregation.
I notice my bible beside me is open and two verses are flashing blue, one at the top of the page and one at the bottom. A a blue arrow on the side of the page is pointing to the bottom verse. I cant make out which verses are being highlighted.
An altar call is made for anyone needing prayer. A young child is brought up who has been deaf and dumb since birth. i lay hands on him, begin to pray. There is a reaction on his face..but then i wake up.

Dream 5
As with the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25. I am chasing Jesus through the crowd. The setting i see is during that past period of time. As i try to get to him through the massive crowd, believing that if i just touch him he will heal me. I dont know what ailment i have just that i need to touch Jesus. I finally touch him. He turns around and says to me" Your faith has healed you" I awake

Dream 6
My 3yr old daughter is asleep in the bedroom. I am in the lounge. I hear her talking, i go to see whats happening. I open the bedroom door. She is facing the bed rest towards the wall. i ask her if everything is ok. she turns to face me. i see that she was looking at a small mirror behind the bed rest on the wall. When i had asked her if she was ok, and she faced me, both her and her face reflection looking at me in the mirror nodded yes. The eyes on both her face and mirror reflection weren't hers or were distorted somewhat.. I awake

Dream 7
My teenage son and i are at the beach. There is a large crowd looking at a large rock out at sea. My son and i walk out towards the rock. The water depth deepens from shallow to neck deep by the time we reach the rock. As we swim past the rock i see my brother in law lying naked in an attention stance but flat horizontal with the right side of his body in the water behind the rock facing the ocean. He asks my son if he has a mobile phone, i respond saying "yes i do". I dive underwater to try to bring a stone to the surface. I am unable to.
Somehow i know he cannot get out of that position. We carry him ashore. The crowd on the beach have moved further inland. We put him down on a flat surface. My son leaves to get help while i look for something to cover him.
A close friend and cousin of his comes to see him. He asks me to take him to a building across the road further inland. I pick him up and carry him on my right shoulder still in that stiff position. He sits on my shoulder one leg in front one behind. I realize he is not that heavy.
We arrive at a two way tar sealed road. The traffic is heavy both ways, trucks and cars. Im wondering why traffic is so busy today. I wait for an opening then cross the road. We come to a sort of factory. Inside is his mother and sister - my wife.. I awake
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Re: Multiple Dreams

Post by bjcollin »

on dream 1 - It seems that you are attacking the enemy trying to do deliverance on somebody when you notice that there is a long line formed behind this person your currently ministering to. To me this just shows the LARGE NEED for true deliverance ministry. Don't be distracted by the falling silver coins, God will provide all your needs according to His riches and glory. We just need to be His open vessels willing to be used by Him for the ministry. NIce dream. Hope this helps you. I will go ahead and read the other dreams later on this weekend, and let others here on the board respond as they get time to read all these dreams as well.

Admin: please post dreams separately in separate topics unless they are run-on type of dreams where one dream leads to another leads to another etc. as that could make them significant to each other. Bottom line, if they were presented as separate dreams, please post them as separate dreams as well. Thank you.
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Re: Multiple Dreams

Post by bjcollin »

Dream 2 shows you are strengthening in deliverance which can be used for healing purposes. This dream also shows the enemy resisting, but in the end they know that Jesus is their boss and they must listen to Him. On the negative side of the dream, it also shows this spirit of trying to prove God's existence through demonstrative healing. The signs are there, we just need to flow in those giftings. Sometimes the enemy sets us up and then when healing doesn't come the enemy gets that wedge of doubt in us whispering lies to us "see God doesn't really exist you can't heal anybody". You awake from the dream not knowing if you were successful or not, but have no fear God is able.
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Re: Multiple Dreams

Post by bjcollin »

It looks like almost all of these dreams 1-2,4-6 are dealing with the topic of deliverance and healing. John 14:12 - "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.
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Re: Multiple Dreams

Post by karlell »

Much appreciated :)
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Re: Multiple Dreams

Post by lizzy »

Dream 3: Tahiti means rising sun (you are representing Son-Jesus), Caledonia means Scottish highlands. So, you landed in high land ( high in the Spirit) together with church or ministry. Airplane - church, ministry, new heights. Very encouraging dream.