Border Crossing

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Border Crossing

Post by FeastofTrumpets »


I had this dream a couple of nights ago that I was driving with my friend in this car from Canada towards the Canada/U.S border. It was daytime and a nice sunny day and I remember poplar trees with green leaves. I'm not sure which city or border crossing it was but I remember that there was a lot of traffic and while my friend was driving she made this dangerous turn into oncoming traffic but as she did so things kind of became blurry and we "warped" across the border into the US without having to report to customs. It was just me and this girl who I will call Julie.

Shortly after I found myself on foot and wanting to go back into Canada and so I walked up to this really tall chain-link fence in a compound of some sort with a lady sitting in a booth. Instead of having to talk to Canadian customs to enter Canada I found myself talking to this lady who worked for the US government in some sort of way and having to prove to her that I entered into the US legally. She was really nice and non threatening and explained what sort of documentation I needed to show her in order to prove that I came across legally.

I said ok and started to walk away and as I did she called out that she needed to take a picture of me. I simply ignored her and kept walking. I ran over to this patch of grass and saw two of my friends lying there (not sure how they got there and neither of them were Julie) and I frantically explained to them that we needed to quickly find somewhere to go because the US border patrol was on to the fact that I entered illegally and didn't have any documentation. My one friend in particular (I'll call him Mike) didn't seem to respond to what I was saying so I remember that I kicked him at least twice in the torso so that he would get up and realize the severity of the situation.

That's it!

Some back round context!

I had a dream before that I was really upset with "Mike" because his heart was so hard to God that I actually started slamming his head against a car window (which is terrible I know!). Recently I found out in real life that one time Mike's dad sort of slammed his head against a wall because he was lying to his dad quite a bit when he was a teen (which is no excuse for the physical contact). I know some people will see this as a rebuke from God of some kind. I don't think I've ever treated my friend like this emotionally or judgmentally (and definitely not physically), so who knows.

I've had dreams before where I was being chased by agent Smith's in the Matrix and they were relentless and impossible to get away from. Recently however, instead of Smith's chasing me I had London Police officers and then angry bus driver chasing me. So long story short the intensity of what ever has been chasing me has slowly been going down over the past year but the common thread in all of these dreams is that I've always thought that I've had to immediately get away from what ever it was that was trying to get me.

Last bit of info which is probably the most interesting, a few days after I had the dream, I had this idea that I wanted to travel from Canada to Hyder Alaska! I just found out that there is no U.S customs there so getting in without a passport is no problem and perfectly legal but you need one on your way back to prove to Canadian customs that you are a Canadian resident. I've thought about just going without because I thought maybe it's not that big of a deal but maybe this dream is a warning of some kind? I dunno