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In Beyonce's House

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:48 pm
by ispeaktheword

I was at some big time fancy restaurant with Beyoncé, Jay Z, her Mom Tina and my husband - I believe. Tina mentioned the day before that she wanted "something". I had actually made the effort to bring that "something" to dinner and gave it to her. It was a piece of paper with some things written on it. The paper I gave also had scribble written all on the back of it. I felt kinda embarrassed, but she didn't seem to mind. Then I gave Tina a kiss on the cheek. We ended up outside talking with Beyonce and Jay.

Now I’m in Beyonce's beautiful home. I got to see how Beyonce was at home. She was very down to earth. I was sitting in one of the living rooms in her house. Beyonce was back and forth entertaining us while dealing with the workers in her home. She would introduce them to me. One woman handled the florals or the plants in the home. Beyonce had young women / teens hanging out in her home. They loved her. She would laugh and joke around with them. I wondered where her twins were.. I could only think of one of the twins' name - Rumi. I was staying for dinner and remembered feeling very privileged to be in her home in such close quarters. It was intimidating. She was powerful but very cool. One of the rooms... I think the dining room, had old worn furniture. I was like geesh! They got all this money but their dinner table is all jacked up? Beyonce started chatting and being silly with the teens that were in her home all while she was carrying one of her twins.

I'm still in Beyonce's home but now I’m sitting in a room or at a kitchen table with the teen girls. I feel like there was either a laptop or computer there in the room or kitchen. I started ministering to the girls. I started off with a story or an experience that I went through, then I began to incorporate God. I was afraid but I felt compelled to minister and I couldn’t help it. I knew for sure they would be like, "Oh boy we don’t want to hear this!" but they didn’t. They sat and listened intently to what I had to say. I was nervous though. EOD

FYI: I'm not a huge Beyonce fan at all. I respect her work ethic and her passion for the arts. She's in my dreams a lot. I've come to realize she symbolizes "Influence".

Your thoughts are appreciated.


Re: In Beyonce's House

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:10 am
by lynadvs

I beleive Beyonce represent influence in this dream.

In short...I also believe that God is preparing you to reach a generation that is heavily influenced by pop culture.

Peace and Blessings!

Re: In Beyonce's House

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:47 pm
by ispeaktheword
Hi Iyanadvs.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my dream. I agree with what you shared - I am a singer/songwriter.. I do believe the Lord has purpose for me in that arena and in teaching his word.

I also feel there is a message in the dream in regards to my home life. Of course I would be the only one to know that (unless God revealed it), but I feel the 2nd paragraph was showing me to lighten up. I am influencial in my home and I can be pretty intense when it comes to things pertaining to spirituality (prayer, reading the word etc.). I think God was saying, you can still be spiritually influential in your home, while being cool, down to earth and fun. Maybe the dinning room being a bit jacked up symbolized a lack of fun family fellowship in my home. Thank you again for responding.


Re: In Beyonce's House

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:04 pm
by PastorJKG
I believe the dream is actually insight into Beyonce's life and a call to intercede for her. She possesses tremendous influence and could do so much good if she gave her heart fully to the Lord. Many of our entertainers are caught up in a very dark world where they have to "sell their souls" so to speak to be successful and are often really scared and somewhat seeking truth. Her house and everything was indicative of success but her table wasn't. The table is where you get fed. It represents the family unit. It is a place of great introspection and I think perhaps the most significant symbol in the dream. Even though it may look like she has it all together, she has a great need. In our ministry we often find our destiny and purpose which brings meaning to our lives that is of greater value that any level of what the world would call success.

Hope this helps

Re: In Beyonce's House

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:09 pm
by ispeaktheword
Hi PastorJKG,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my dream. Beyonce is a personal dream symbol of mine and she does represent influence. When she is in my dreams its never about her, its about me. Many times when I post dreams I'm looking for confirmation or a different take on the dream for me to consider. I do believe her and her husband need prayer. But she is a personal reoccuring symbol in my dreams (usually connected to what's currently happening in my life) that represent the type of influence I have in regards to where I'm located in a dream or what I'm doing in a dream.

Thank you again,