Road, car, headlights, mud

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Road, car, headlights, mud

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi, Hope each are well in the Lord Jesus
Had a dream, way more than one this I remember the most.
I was sitting in a car, driver seat. Car had family members in it and we were on a country road just sitting there. I start driving and have high beams on, when we see a car coming. My son tells me and I turn my high beams to normal while driving and the other car did the same. When the other car did it I saw 3 headlights out of 4, one being burnt out, my high beams worked fine. I had to pull over onto the shoulder a little for the car to pass. The happen 3 times. The timing must have been at dawn cause as the dream went on it seem to get brighter. The road got a little curvy but not big and it was smooth, it reminded me of a road in Oklahoma by my grand mother's.
Then the road disappeared and I drove onto a field it too was smoth driving. The fields were comfortable hilly flowers aND all. But I knew I was in trouble cause it was not the road. I begin to see areas of mud. They got bigger and bigger to the point everything was mud, my car was beginning to slide every where I went. Actually, it was not scary but fun. Then I slowly woke up while sliding.
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Re: Road, car, headlights, mud

Post by sigmon2 »

Oops, sorry. Thank you for helping me
God Bless
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Re: Road, car, headlights, mud

Post by sigmon2 »

My 23 yr old son was in the car with me. He was telling me cars were coming and to dim my bright lights for them. We were of course in front seat and rest of folks in car. Lots of three's in this dream three cars with 3 working lights each. The three cars have a total of 3 burnt out 3 lights. I clicked high beams 3 times. Their cars stayed on high beams each time but with the burnt out light I was never blinded but saw clearly. At end of dream I believe I was able to get to dry land but went no where. Or I was able for sure to turn around and go back to the direction I came. It is possible the road ended completely and I was not the first to turn around and come back. So was I on a dead end. Can I avoid that dead end now, questions....this is a dream to speak to me
If mud is to slow me down or retard a person, then, a dead end and turn around....
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Re: Road, car, headlights, mud

Post by sigmon2 »

I know this is a hard one.
My dreams come in more literal term when it comes to directional needs. This is one of them.
Turns out the Lord was correcting my path again. Lol, he does that alot. I had chosen a certain path to take with my son who was in the front seat with me. Seems to be that the passenger front seat relates to a important person in the dream at the time, possibly who the dream is also about.
In this case the dream relates to him and me, and the choices in real life I was making and about to announce to others, even set up the arrangements for the meeting with older siblings. Turns out God Almighty has other designs which knowing him I am cool with it, esp since couple more dreams showed up I will enter after all this.
In this, the Lord uses 3s to let me know it is him and is decided that I am to change my mind on the path I have set on the road before me that my 2nd son is helping me drive. But this road has a beautiful dead end on rolling hills but muddy. I manage to turn around and head back the way I came little dirtier but not really sad. I was having fun sliding, car never broke or anything just turned around to go back to the road. I was never blinded by the headlights or the morning sunrise.
So I appreciate all the readers who read. I have turned around. Lol. Thanks be to the Lord who speaks to us, He never forsake us, never leaves us.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry