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The Alter

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:10 am
by lynadvs
I dreamed of being at my old church. The church didn't appear as it actually is in real life. I was sitting in the congregation. There was a bunch of people going to the altar and amongst them was Minister Matthews. I remember her having somewhat of a zombie-like look to her. I was very concerned. She was at the altar and I noticed that she had a pocket knife and she was preparing to cut her face. No one else saw it so I quickly grabbed the knife away from her.

I was at another church where I was a former member. I was seated in the congregation. There was an alter call. As people came to the altar, among them was one of their female ministers. I didn't know this woman , can't say that I've ever seen her in my life. As she proceeded to the altar I noticed she appeared to be in a trance-like state. She also had a pocket knife getting ready to cut her face. I remember looking for someone to stop her. But no one moved in her Direction. I couldn't believe that no one else was seeing this. The woman proceeded to cut her face. Before she could finish I grabbed the knife away from her and began praying for her. And I'm looking at the pastor and wondering why is noone seeing this stuff.

Re: The Alter

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:05 am
by male4christ
Good thing you were praying for the pastor. This pastor/congregation may need prayer and help with an offense that took place in the church. Perhaps a deliverance, repentance from a gossiping tongue or demonic spirit is needs to help the ministry. Don't know if your feeling for this pastor have died with no more emotional attachments but they may be overwhelmed by life with a struggling disposition and may need to become aware of this?

Let me know if this is correct

Re: The Alter

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:48 am
by lynadvs

The female minister is not a Pastor but did assist the Pastor.
Also, these were two different churches.

Thanks ☺

Re: The Alter

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 7:08 pm
by immortalservant
This definitely looks like a spiritual warfare battle. In this you are the one with the gift of discerning of spirits, while the others are not or they have turned a blind eye to the obvious. A knife could represent the counterfeit of a sword. Sword =Word. The Word cuts like a double edged sword look up Hebrews 4:12.
When I have seen zombies in visions or dreams I felt they relate to how people will eat each other up with judgments, criticisms, accusations, gossiping. Possibly these churches and leaders of the church have been doing just that. Women are more prone to gossip not saying only women gossip and not even saying these particular women gossip. Maybe even a Jezebel spirit is lingering, and a Jezebel spirit is not necessarily a seducing spirit like most Christians believe, rather she is a CONTROLLING spirit...Possibly even using scripture (the knife) to justify their actions. Some scripture to help about the cutting of the face could be Psalm 34:5 NLT reads"Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will fall upon their face."
Our face is the first thing people see. I would pray deeply over these churches. I believe this insight to you to prophecy to this church to rise up, become washed again in the Word. God is merciful and He sends warnings to the prophets so they pray His mercy on the earth. Pray for them in your prayer closet. I hope this helps.