Fleshly dream vs God given dream & dreams in color

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Fleshly dream vs God given dream & dreams in color

Post by BeerLahaiRoi »

How can you tell if a dream is from God or your flesh.

Generally, I know in my spirit when it is a God given dream, however there are a few that sometimes i'm not sure about.

For example, I had a dream in color recently which is very unusual for me. I generally do not remember any colors being in my dreams. So i was wondering if this is significant or means it is a dream from God.

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Re: Fleshly dream vs God given dream & dreams in color

Post by bjcollin »


Many teach that vivid color dreams or dreams that are stronger are from God, while the other dreams might or might not be from God. I do agree that 80+% of our normal dreams are just soul dreams that are just fun ways your brain has of working on the daily life events. However in the dreams that are from God... I have found that not all of them are in vivid colors or stronger, so for me it just depended on how serious God was about getting through to me at the time. I should rephrase that a little bit... It depended on the urgency of the matter in that God wanted to get my attention quickly. It is always I who am not as serious as I should be at times :s4: Sorry that this was not the black & white answer that you were looking for *haha puny*, but I do hope it helps you some. The real heart of the matter is that the Lord wants us to grow in our Godly gifting of discernment to decide on if dreams are from Him or just part of ourselves, it makes us press into Him more and seek him for each dream.

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Re: Fleshly dream vs God given dream & dreams in color

Post by BeerLahaiRoi »


What you said is pretty much what I've heard/learned and am in agreement with. I would say almost all my God given dreams over the years (the ones I believe were God) were in black and white. Only a couple had colors in them. I read recently that we all dream in color all the time, but that it is simply that our memory doesn't always remember the colored details. I thought this was interesting.

The way I usually can tell if they are God given dreams or not is because I've noticed a pattern in my dreams over the years and they usually manifest in the natural over time confirming it was from God. I have come to learn that my dreams are usually prophetic and that they eventually manifest in the natural proving they were from God. Also, God often gives me "warning" dreams about people who are close to me in my life to protect me of what the enemy is trying to do through them. So, I tend to wake up with a sort of "inner knowing" or inner witness, similar to when we hear God's voice recognizing that this dream is not from me.

Also, as you mentionned I've learned that my fleshly dreams usually are made up of a couple of thoughts I had during the day and I can usually remember thinking those things. For example, if I dream of a whale and a certain friend one night and during the day I saw a whale on TV that I took special notice of and a certain friend came on my mind, I'll know this is just a dream as a result of my brain filtering what I was thinking during the day.

My dreams from God sometimes come with a "caution" or sense of awareness to be careful or they give me comfort in a certain situation or they reveal prophetic things.

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Re: Fleshly dream vs God given dream & dreams in color

Post by bjcollin »

Many times I have found that dreams that are strictly in black/white are usually spiritual warfare dreams. Also dreams that are in muted colors in shadows and shifting shadows are usually from the enemy. Just some more thoughts.
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Re: Fleshly dream vs God given dream & dreams in color

Post by BeerLahaiRoi »

hm...interesting. Most of my black/white dreams were warnings and dealing with spiritual battles in my life or warfare prayer situations.

Thanks for the insight!
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Re: Fleshly dream vs God given dream & dreams in color

Post by Ephesians2 »

If I may add, I it seems all my dreams are in color however one thing that I noted is how the dreams portray me. In other words the Word shows me as an over comer in Jesus, however I have had dreams about warfare and not being able to overcome like fighting someone and they had the victory. I have had these dreams since the early 2000's and lately I have been confessing my identity in Christ, as I have done this these dreams have decreased in intensity and number.

In the last year and a half I have had my identity challenged and the Word has had to be my foundation.