The Car Inspection

Archived Dreams from 2018
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The Car Inspection

Post by Devine888 »

I was at a car dealership with my daughter getting my car inspected. I had been waiting for awhile so I went up to the window and asked a lady what was taking so long. The lady looked into it and came back and told me that they were almost done with the inspection. They also gave me a pair of sneakers and I noticed that the shoe strings did not match so i asked the lady to give me matching shoe strings.
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Re: The Car Inspection

Post by male4christ »

There may be a job, journey or ministry you are seeking where you are searching for answers but things may not match up. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out. God wants you to search hidden things so they will match things together instead of not match. He is preaparing you and training you for a new job, journey or ministry but wants you to pray for wisdom to make things match up as you seek His guidance.

Hope this help
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Re: The Car Inspection

Post by Devine888 »

Thank you man of God. I receive it!