Man Tased in Back of Head... Dies.

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Man Tased in Back of Head... Dies.

Post by ispeaktheword »


I was somewhere with my Aunt Pat (she’s a teacher irl). I noticed something on screen or it may have been an iPad. There was an older black man sitting in a chair with his back to us. There were two police men or detectives questioning him.. Then one of the men tased the man in the back of his head. I said to Pat, “did he die?” She said oh yeah...

He had on navy blue shoes. His right foot began to move slowly. Then they tased him again. He had nice smooth hair. Now he is sitting in the chair sideways. I can see part of his face. He had kind of big eyes. He was about to die, but before he died he seemed to see something in the spirit realm. He was afraid. He kept waving his hands like no, no, no, then he died.

I know what this dream means. It means an old way of thinking is going to die. A stronghold in the mind has taken root and does not want to leave. It will die because it must submit to God’s authority.

My question is, because I was watching this... is the Lord showing me this about someone else or me?

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Re: Man Tased in Back of Head... Dies.

Post by bjcollin »

I think with the aunt pat teacher, it means the lord is going to teach and show you something that needs to die. It is interesting with the blue shoes usually blue denotes revelation so walking in revelation, and big eyes denotes seeing spiritually, but usually being of a different race from yourself denotes something foreign or not needed. so maybe the Lord is about to open up and teach you iPad what real revelation is like, but there needs to be somethings that need to go and get deliverance from some backwards ways of thinking (back of head/neck) first. Hope this helps some more.

PS: to me iPad is a play on words to mean I=you the viewer. Cheers.
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Re: Man Tased in Back of Head... Dies.

Post by ispeaktheword »

Hi BJ,

Thank you for responding to my dream question. You’ve given me some things to think about. I will definitely pray on what you’ve said.
