People Running Speeding Truck that was out of control

Archived Dreams from 2018
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People Running Speeding Truck that was out of control

Post by Rinique »

This truck was coming down a gravel road from behind me (I was walking next to this road), but with high speed and was approaching a main road.
The truck seemed to be out of control and crashed on the main road. Lots of people were running with this truck, not sure what their motive was but when the truck crashed there was nobody to be seen.
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Re: People Running Speeding Truck that was out of control

Post by bjcollin »

This seems to be paired with your mountain dream, others near you may crash, but stay on your path.
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Re: People Running Speeding Truck that was out of control

Post by Rinique »

Thank you bjcollin
This is true... if you see my responses on the other dream ... four figures (days)... others might crash? I will definitely pray about this more and might get more revelation on this.