hair dresser

Archived Dreams from 2018
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hair dresser

Post by kingnme »

i was setting up to get my hair done by some lady

soo i BOUGHT a perm to give to the stylist to chemically straighten my hair

...i KNEW it was what i NEEDED to get done!

BUT instead of doing what i requested she sets the perm box over to the side :shock:

she then proceeded to do what she thought i SHUD get done!!

i had new growth in my hair that NEEDED to be straightened...

but instead she is heat STYLING my hair which i knew well enuff ...that wud ACTUALLY be the very last STEP that wud complete it

im in the chair thinking WHY isn't she straightening my hair FIRST???

its like im in TWO places at the same time : watching her do my hair ...yet sitting in the chair at the same time while she DOES my hair

soo...SHE IS using HEAT to straighten my hair (improvising if i may say) and curling it with a curling iron as she go VERSUS using the perm

so here comes this OTHER lady whom i kno in IRL

...whom happens to be a deaconess and an intercessor in our church....the deaconess comes over

...questions the stylist as to WHY isnt she doing what she is supposed to do to my hair???

...she really was taking up for me and speaking for me on my behalf

the stylist then lowered her head in shame for NOT following my request ....the stylist immediately left the chair

went to the back to do another project ...the deaconess still followed her.... still going on an on about how she didnt treat me right!!...

so i THEN came to the back where they were and interrupted their conversation

trying to tell the stylist that (in an inspite of it all attitude) although it was styled and NOT straightened

i wanted to pay her (for what she DID do to my hair) wut does that mean ??
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Re: hair dresser

Post by PastorJKG »

I believe the Lord is reminding us that we don't wrestle with flesh and blood but against demonic spirits that work through people to cause us grief and frustration. Many times the people are not even aware they are being so used. Some times they are willing participants but many times they seem to be in a complete fog. It is in your heart to treat them well even when they don't treat you like they should. Yes, sometimes we need to address certain situations but always remember to do it in a Christlike manner. Perhaps the Lord is trying to establish that balance in you.

Hope this helps
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Re: hair dresser

Post by kingnme »


this is a verrry serious dream to me......

with regard to people: im going thru some spiritual challenges RIGHT now ...this interpretation really does bring things to an understanding...

and yes! i can be very quiet about a matter which irritates me :x (hence: yes, sometimes we need to address certain situations)

kinna like MAJOR the minors .....MINOR the majors!!!!! ughh! :x just glad i tried to pay the lady !!
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9