Cat and Goldfish, and the Flipped Fridge

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Cat and Goldfish, and the Flipped Fridge

Post by Barb11 »

Hi group,

I would appreciate some help with this one. I have some ideas on it, but I think fresh eyes might help. Thanks for any help! Just for info, I like cats, but I don't have one.


I dreamed I was in a room with a cat, and I was going to feed it. I found a dish to use that had some water in it - one of my own little ones IRL. It wasn't my cat, but its owner hadn't fed it. I had this fish powder that I put in the water, and then I had a container of small live goldfish. I shook a few into the water, about 3 of them, and I asked the cat, "There. Do you think you'll like this?" He said, "Yes."

Then I went into another room that was supposed to be my house. It was the kitchen. There was a gold-colored fridge. It was a smaller fridge than a regular fridge, and I was surprised to see that my husband had turned it upside down. I opened it to see and try to figure out what was left, and he had put an empty wine glass in the fridge, so I took it out and put it in the sink. There was a loaf of artesian bread, and I sliced a few tiny slices to have. I was excited because it was such good bread.
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Re: Cat and Goldfish, and the Flipped Fridge

Post by PastorJKG »

Cats can mean several things from witchcraft to unteachable, even just independent, and even a close friend. I believe the cat in your dream speaks of your individual gift. It will only be satisfied with fish, (Jesus makes us fishers of men) We can't be truly satisfied until we do what we where created to do. Your Husband I believe represents the Husbandman (Christ) who will allow your situation to seem upside down for the purpose of bringing you to deeper communion with Himself, (Wine and Bread). It seems the Bread was more significant since the glass was empty. The bread that comes down from heaven is the Word of God, which is Jesus. He wants to show you the best tasting bread, the secret manna.

Hope this helps
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Re: Cat and Goldfish, and the Flipped Fridge

Post by Barb11 »

Thanks, Pastor JKG,

Do you think the cat represents those that I would minister to that are involved in new age or something like that?
That makes a lot of sense about my Husbandman. That's exactly my situation and my desire for deeper communion. I'm all into the secret manna. I just wonder about the empty glass. There was wine in it previously, and it had been drunk - by him. Is it symbolic of our love, do you think?

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Re: Cat and Goldfish, and the Flipped Fridge

Post by PastorJKG »

No, I think the cat speaks of you personally and what God has called you to do. Your independent gift and call. Cats eat fish, we are fishers of men, Gold fish, gold fridge, the true wealth is in the eating. Communion with God, and ministry to fellow men.
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Re: Cat and Goldfish, and the Flipped Fridge

Post by PastorJKG »

Jesus said He would not eat this Passover meal again till He eats it with us in His kingdom. We are seated together with Him in heavenly places. Our communion is in the spirit. We are to walk in the Spirit and be heavenly minded and have our faith focus on heaven. I believe this is the hidden manna.
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Re: Cat and Goldfish, and the Flipped Fridge

Post by Barb11 »

Thank you for clarifying for me!!