In a mans house

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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In a mans house

Post by PastorJKG »

Dream 5 11 2019

I was with two other men. We were doing some door to door type ministry I think. We were wearing suite and ties. We got tired and were headed back to our car which was parked at some body's house. I had to slide down a sttep hill to get across a yard. I saw a lady trying to get in the house we were parked at. She was struggling with her key which looked like a card. I was just about to offer to help her with it when she got the door open. Then her husband came up and asked us to come inside. The whole time we were there, I kept thinking we were imposing on this man but he didn't seem to mind even though he seemed very distracted or focused on something else. My wife [first appearance in the dream] tells me she is starting to spot [monthly cycle] and needs to take a shower. She does and then she is there on the couch in a bath robe, house coat type garment like she is ready for bed. Then my Son [also first appearance in dream] goes outside the man's house and starts playing basketball on his goal. I go out to see whats going on and many of the neighborhood youth are there as well playing ball with my Son. I notice that a couple of the boys are big boys. Taller than our son and very stocky. And the thing that shocked me was they were playing ball nude as a jay bird. I went back in to tell everyone what was going on and the man whose house we were in knew about the nude kids. Then all of a sudden I was eating a square dish of chocolate ice cream. The dish had two sections. I had no recollection of asking for or being offered ice cream but there I was eating it. I was trying to hurry up and finish it so we could get out of the mans house. It all felt extremely awkward being there but everybody else acted like they were right at home. I seemed to be the only one stressing over it. EOD. Thanks for any insight
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Re: In a mans house

Post by bjcollin »

For what it's worth... kids are always open and honest, they will always say it how it is in their minds with no filters. Many years ago when I did children's ministry, I learned that you have to always have thick skin cuz the kids always call it how they see it. If you fat, they call it fat. Just how it is with no insult or injury intended, but it just is that simple black and white in a kids mind. I will pray on this dream some tomorrow.
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Re: In a mans house

Post by bjcollin »


Thank you for the FB friend request. Sunday was super busy with church and Mother's Day, I pray you guys had a great weekend as well. I have slept since then, so now onto your dream...

This dream seems to be about something trying to enter into your spiritual life. At first you are finishing up with a more formal style of door to door evangelism which is being shown, and then when you notice a woman struggling with her access card and you decide to help her. Her husband then invites you in and he is distracted (an enemy spirit who is interested in something else and being deceitful with you), but your family is most comfortable in his house which makes you uncomfortable. Not sure on this, but the first thing that came to my mind was money/credit card usage and your family being too comfortable with it, while you are not. I too share this uneasiness with the modern fake cash trend. While this credit thing might be an aside, and not the real issue. I think that there might be another spiritual issue at play here with which you are uneasy in your spirit with being so open and playing with. Sorry not a totally full interpretation, but all I got for now. Hope this helps some. God Bless you.

in Christ,
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