Sinking rowing boat and the Bermuda Triangle

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Sinking rowing boat and the Bermuda Triangle

Post by charlie »

Shalom! Discernment appreciated on this one.

Scene 1: It is dark and somewhere in the middle of the ocean. I see a rowing boat and it is taking on water. I say 'the boat is sinking' and then I become part of the Scene (before speaking I had been observing the scene).

There are 3 of us; 2 men and myself (a woman for those who don't know me on here). We all jump out of the sinking rowing boat into the ocean. It is still dark. Emotions: I am perturbed but not overly panicked (IRL this would be my worst nightmare!). I do not know the men and they don't provoke any emotion...they are just there.

Scene 2: We swim through the inky-dark waters, away from the sinking rowing boat. I am behind the two men and a beginning to feel like I might be left behind so reach out to grab the second man and ask him to not leave me behind. He is amenable.

There is no panic. There are floating inflatable platforms all around us-we are encircled by them. I ask what they are for and the first man says 'they are there so that we can work out what direction the Bermuda Triangle is (the sense was that they would be sucked towards the BT). I was alarmed to find out that we were near the BT but the men did not seem so alarmed. I asked them 'how can you be sure that we are swimming away from it.' One answered 'we can't be sure. We just have to take a risk.' We continued swimming, pushing our way between the inflatable platforms.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Re: Sinking rowing boat and the Bermuda Triangle

Post by bjcollin »

Just an observation, you conquer the unknown by making a decision and taking on the risk. Don't fear the unknown.
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Re: Sinking rowing boat and the Bermuda Triangle

Post by charlie »

bjcollin wrote: Tue Oct 08, 2019 7:24 pm Just an observation, you conquer the unknown by making a decision and taking on the risk. Don't fear the unknown.
Thank you BJ! Sometimes a dream's meaning takes time to emerge for the dreamer but you have succinctly encapsulated the core. I am seeing that I am on the brink of a transition which involves 'getting out of the rowing boat' which, in any case, is fueled by human effort and cannot deliver me to my destination. There is significance in the THREE ...3 people and the three sides of a Bermuda triangle which suggests to me that THIS IS OF GOD -the three in One. There is Mystery and there is the Unknown. There may be pointers and signs which help orient us as on the surface of things but fundamentally it is about TRUST.

Much to ponder and to pray into here.

Thanks again BJ.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3