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Significance of a Feeding Tube in a Dream

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:27 pm
by KCW_86
Early August I had dream that an unbelieving friend went into a hospital. In the waiting area he related to another patient about a bad experience he previously had at a hospital. He is then led to a gurney and given a sedative. The doctor then walks out briefly and comes back to give an injection of codeine. Even though my friend is unable to move and feels no pain he is able to hear the doctor’s voice and feel a feeding tube being passed through his nose into his stomach. It was as if I was experiencing the dream from his perspective. Then finally, the doctor gives him an antibiotic through the tube. I feel that the Lord could be showing me how the Holy Spirit is working in my friend thanks to my prayers but am not sure.

I am especially curious to find out the significance of the feeding tube as I have not been able to find references in any biblical dream dictionaries.

Re: Significance of a Feeding Tube in a Dream

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:12 pm
by bjcollin
Feeding tubes are devices that are sometimes used when the person can’t or won’t feed themselves. So you’re prayers are having an effect whether or not they realize it.

Welcome to the Tehillah Dreams board. I saw your registration come in a few minutes before we lost power in storms this past week, I was afraid that I missed getting your account activated before the outages. Glad to see you were able to post on the board after all.

Re: Significance of a Feeding Tube in a Dream

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:23 am
by KCW_86
Hi bjcollin, thank you so much for the warm welcome and for checking up to make sure I was able to post. That makes total sense about the feeding tube as my friend had rejected an offer for salvation last year. He follows after atheist materialist philosophies and is not willing to debate the existence of God with me so I had to give his case over to the Lord as he will not feed himself truth. It is reassuring to know that my prayers are having some type of effect even though I might not be seeing it as I have a strictly online relationship with my friend. He lives across the country from me and is a very private individual so he can be hard to reach at times.

Re: Significance of a Feeding Tube in a Dream

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:47 pm
by bjcollin
I have personally found that many self proclaimed athiests/agnostics are really just hurting people who are mad at God for whatever reason from their past. Remember the first part of your dream... it seems to point to this as well that this person you are praying for has been wounded in the past, possibly from a bad church experience when they were younger. There is some healing that needs to go on first before they will be receptive to the Lord. I would pray for the Holy Spirit to convict them of their sin and lead them back to God in a supernatural way. I have found that arguing or debating with these types of people is very often frustrating or down right pointless. It is not our job to provide logical debates on why people should get saved. We are not trying to make people see the logic of Christ or to just come to an intellectual understanding of the Gospel. We are looking for those hearts to be completely devoted to Him and we need to be Holy Spirit driven as we are going therefore to make disciples of all nations. Even the Apostle Paul faced this same delima in Acts 17 where he was on Mars hill in Athens debating with the great philosophers of the day... but many sneered and ony very few responded the Bible says.

Re: Significance of a Feeding Tube in a Dream

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:17 pm
by KCW_86
I really appreciate your prayers. My friend’s name is Zahn BTW. I also got the impression that he had some type of negative church experience when he was young from the waiting room scene in my dream. He is Native American and had spent some time in boarding and private schools growing up. I’m assuming some of them may have been religious. Knowing this I have recently begun to refocus my prayers more on his healing while continuing to do so for his salvation.