our old apartment

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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our old apartment

Post by kingnme »

well this is just a continuum


was i was in the kitchen of this apartment ...(not sure if i heard sounds)

i JUMPED up to go to the smaller room and theres a baby grasping for air from the baby blankets in the crib

i shared this before ...about me having multiple multiple dreams of finding NEGLECTED babies for OVER A DECADE :o

i wud constantly have these dreams of me coming across a baby just lying or standing there looking for their care giver (added: that left them )

some of them barely clothed

so anyways ... i took the baby out of the crib .... no diaper....no food...or bottle....no pacifier ...just a ONESIE and even THAT wasnt button/snapped and I took time to examine the child ....the weight loss was sooooo bad!!!

so i JUMPS in the car ...quickly to get the items the baby desperately needed AND I HURRIED TO beat the clock for any bodily functions :oops:

so i ran into a group of people parked all across the middle of the road i noticed that they were blcoking me from moving forwad

one woman came up to my car to chat and i sed with force ...must move i have to go she proceeds to chat

so i belted out if you dont move im going to get my DAD!! still no right response so i jumped out my car pointed to the heavens

cried out to my FATHER and as i was pointing up to the heavens to ask or say someting to HIM once again ...THEY ALL HIGH-TAILED OUTTA THERE!!!
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Re: our old apartment

Post by bjcollin »

For your dream, I feel that the apartment represents you and your life currently. Unfortunately neglected babies are everywhere in this life, and this is not a reference to the ones you see on the news every now and then. Symbolically speaking, I feel that neglected babies could represent those who are possibly saved or who claim to be Christians, but that is it and they are not feeding themselves and not growing in the Lord in their lives. Another meaning could be that these neglected babies represent the gifts and ministries that others pass up and are not walking into and not using themselves, but you run across them. What have you done in the past with these neglected baby dreams and how did you relate with the people around you at the time of these dreams? Hope this starts to get you a handle on the dreams.
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Re: our old apartment

Post by bjcollin »

Oh yea, almost forgot the most important part... at the end of the dream, the answer to those getting in your way is prayer and asking Father God to remove the obstacles out of the way. The enemy only respects and answers to God's authority.
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Re: our old apartment

Post by kingnme »

hi BJ ...

yes! i agree....i was just taken aback at how it was just such ...almost like a staple dream of me coming across children that people just leave behind

one little cute baby that i cud recall she was soooo beautiful ...she had these beautiful onyx black locks of curly hair

...NO shirt ...no shoes....not even socks ...just a diaper and i came up to her looking around just stunned

shes just standing there not sure where to go... so i just sat down next to her waiting for someone to come back for her....

well last week was another one for the books ....but i loved HOW my DAD came to rescue ..... :s22:
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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