fix this door (edited had a part WRONG!)

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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fix this door (edited had a part WRONG!)

Post by kingnme »

i had this dream we were at home ... myself ...hubby & daughter ( although IRL its four of us -son)

we are in the living room hubby has on this really nice clean suit (nothing fancy just a nice gray suit thin thin stripes)

something occurred where it involved the front door : why was it WidE opened so he SHUTS the door ....ok cool!

but then he was speaking again about SOMETHING else concerning this door

im standing there trying to figure out WHAT(else) IS HE SAYING NOW about this front door ... ?!?

..........i mean its SHUT isn't it ?!?

he's just going on and on about it looking at the door closed trying to figure out whats going on??? what is he saying?? lets get over it??.....

then i looked again ....ohmygoodnesss!!!..... D'OHH!! ..... there are NOO DOOR KNOBS !?!

there are HOLES WHERE the door knobs wud be ... sooo its THREE holes in the door...the dead bolt is missing and two other knobs ... .

which we wud still be vulnerable after that revelation came to (my) sight

he went from ... talking/questioning/reasoning from the door being opened

to NOW talking/questioning/reasoning about the missing door knobs ...

by THIS point ( the missing door knobs) my daughter JUST KEPT putting in her two cents ....

it became so annoying....! i firmly said.... HOLD ON' lets hear whats being said !! so then im listening on again

---...well apparently because in the beginning of all this my brain was out to lunch or something

and i finally caught on to what seemed like forever of a situation and im JUST HONING in....and im all ears ..........

and she just kept overtalking him putting in her opinion .....oh! boy .... here she is going on again ....

by this time i TURNED :x and i gave her the most stern look i cud muster up ...telling her to STOP TALKING ?!!!??

LETS HEAR WHAT IS GOING ON something like ...let HIM speak and why are you still talking?? ...

something ....something cant quite remember (IRL she was my strong willed child)

so then the scene switches several times matter of fact

so my hubby goes to the store i guess to pick up the materials to get this door in order again....

sooo we're in the store ...he's heading to what i THOUGHT was the check out...

i SAW some snacks i wanted.... i move over to pick what snack i wanted.. as i was picking the snack i peeked over to see how far into the transaction he was

so i said HONEY HOLD ON ! ...................

lets seeeee...... do i want the SMALL three pack butter popcorn buckets ?!?? orrrr...... ( he is checking out ....)

do i wannt?? the white cheddar cheese curls ??
i got on a little store ladder to pick out these snacks (which BTW ya aint sposed to touch folks)

so im picking and grabbing the snack .....

what my hubby did was ( now im wondering if it was to go get the materials for the door or not)

he went up to AN ATM MACHINE that was in the store TOOK OUT ALL THE MONEY AND LEFT past the check out

aww man!? hubby has went OUT thru the glass auto-doors

.im standing there at the check out looking at the the top of his head thru the window walking down the sidewalk

i reeealy wanted these snack AND ...i wanted hubby to pay for it ...

(FUNNY I DID NOT see one cashier?!?) all i saw was the bag of snacks waiting to be paid and everything! ..........

i ran out...i HAD to leave the snacks... to go on ahead out the door (arrrgh!) i went thru the auto -doors to go get into the car ..........

HOWEVER !! as i walked outside to my right at the sliding auto doors was this person... a beggar ....(but a different type of beggar)

i CANNNNOT describe this fearful thing of a woman ...she had the head of a puppet the one that had the slitted mouth

(kermit the frog-styled puppet mouth) side of her mouth was deformed(ly) and cut off .. her mouth was filled with pooled blood
(just creepy!)

instead of begging for something ....she was trying TO GIVE ME something.... it was a pair of red/burgundy casual flats

she creeepily askd you need these??? holding/ lifting the shoes up ... i took a hard/short look at her

...i was like ......ew..!??! and ... uh?.... no??!?! ....

i went/ ran to find my hubby and ....................HE IS GONE!??!?!!?.............................

its DARK OUTSIDE?!!?!? the parking lot was soo quiet and sporadic with cars HE LEFT ME????????? he left me!!!!!!

i stood there ......silent ...........he left me ????? he really ...realy left me???!!! this dream seemed REALLLY scary my heart was pounding
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9