Digging Around My Mother's Grave

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Digging Around My Mother's Grave

Post by Imma »

In my dream today, I went to dig a hole around my mother's grave, I can't remember why I went to do the digging now but in that dream it was very important because , I am not an impulsive person and normally embark on an action after careful consideration and good reason. In the dream, I estimated that the area I am digging should be at least one and half to two feet from my mothers grave because I know where she was buried. Surprisingly, as, I dug deeper, I saw her body, I was shocked and alarmed because that was not my intention. I was digging for a different reason.I started putting back the soil as fast as possible. At some point, I felt that the shovel I have is not doing a good job . I rushed out to get a better one,I turned to look back when I was about ten feet away from her grave and I noticed that a young man has quickly rushed to her grave to collect some sand and stood there to bath his head in money making ritual.I was very infuriated by his action and rushed back to chase him away. As I was running back to chase him away a few other young men where rushing to her grave to grab some of the soil. I was fighting them away and suddenly woke up. This dream has left me very terrified and shaking. Please do you have time to interpret it for me?

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Re: Digging Around My Mother's Grave

Post by Imma »

I forgot to mention that my mother was buried in front of our house and not in a graveyard as it is done here in the west.
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Re: Digging Around My Mother's Grave

Post by keilani »

Shalom Imma! Just some thoughts I had that you can bring before Him. As I read the part about digging your mother's grave, what came to mind was a rightful inheritance that belonged to you. The other men that came to try and take the soil (maybe speaking of land or territory) made me think of others trying to take your inheritance. You fighting them off--you standing up and defending what is rightfully yours.

In my own understanding and experience with dreams and visions, I have learned that things, before they manifest in this natural realm, are handled in the spiritual realm. I also understand the spiritual realm to simply be that which cannot be seen with the natural eye so dreams, visions, words, thoughts, motives--things like that.

Grace and may Father give you understanding as you seek His Truth.
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Re: Digging Around My Mother's Grave

Post by Imma »

Thank you Keilani.If this fight is waiting in the spiritual world
. What do I do to fin it? Do you have bible verse(s) for me to win this fight?

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Re: Digging Around My Mother's Grave

Post by keilani »

Shalom Imma! The best thing I can say is to go to The Father and ask Him if there is anything you need to address. It's His Voice that leads us to victory because He sees and understands all the things we don't necessarily grasp at the moment. You can trust Him to lead you and teach you each step of the way. For me, dreams and visions are one of the ways He's shown me what is happening in the spirit/unseen realm. He also uses this realm to teach me His principles. When I have a dream or vision I don't understand, I sit with Him and wait for Him to speak with me. Sometimes He does it right away and other times it's as I'm going about my day just pondering what I've seen. I will encourage you, as He always encourages me, to Fear Naught (nothing) as you listen for His direction and instruction.

As far as scriptures, well, He often gives me the one I need when I'm seeking understanding so ask and see if He gives you a specific one. In light of your dream and what you were feeling, I'd suggest Hebrews 3. Learning to stay in my place of rest (trusting that He would fulfil His Word/Promise when everything screams otherwise) and not step into unbelief or fear is the only way to see what He said manifest. I've learned throughout my journey that keeping my focus on what He's said rather than what natural evidence "suggests" is the only sure way to victory. That in itself is a process but if we allow Him to deal with every issue that hinders His Word in us, we will surely be fruitful like Jesus spoke of in John 16.

Grace as you learn and walk with Him!
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Re: Digging Around My Mother's Grave

Post by Imma »

Thanks a lot!. I much appreciates your word of wisdom. I will ask the lord.

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Re: Digging Around My Mother's Grave

Post by keilani »

You are very welcome! In agreement with His Perfect Will for your life.
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