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Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:54 am
by lynadvs
I remember being somewhere following Dr. Tony Evans around as he was teaching. There were other people in this class as well. I don’t remember what he was teaching, however, I remember being able to see what he taught as taught. As he was getting ready to come to a close on his teaching, I raised my hand and said that I had a question. I then corrected my self and then said that it is really more of a comment. I began to share my comments related to what Dr Evans taught, a guy in the class interrupted me and began to add his comments. I did agree with what the guy was saying, however, I wished he would have waited until I was done talking before interjecting. When he was done, I picked up whereI left off. The guy interrupted me again to comment on the topic. Again, I did not disagree with anything he said but I was a little annoyed that he did not allow me finish first. Once again I picked up where I left off. As I continue to speak on the subject, I felt my passion for the subject growing. I remember hearing different scriptures as i was speaking. The next thing I knew I was preaching. I remember getting reading to go into Matthew 6:33 right before I woke up.

Re: Interrupted

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 5:58 pm
by bjcollin

I love Dr. Tony Evans ministry there in Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Dallas area. I don't hear him on the radio here in San Antonio, but I used to hear him all the time when we used to live in DFW area. The promise of Matthew 6:33 is that As we seek first the kingdom of God all these things that we need will be added unto us so stop spending time worrying about it, God has it under His control. So in the dream, stop worrying about others trying to cut you off so to speak in the realm of ministry, God will take care of it and He will gift and promote as He desires and in His time. Just focus on your relationship with Him (study/pray/etc.) and in His time the anointing of the Holy Spirit will make all of the difference. Hope this helps on the dream.

in Christ,