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cave diving dream

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 5:04 am
by bjcollin
I have been having a repetitive dream of cave diving for a little over a year now. Usually I am with a diving partner and we are exploring the underwater caves or there are others there diving as well. Last night, for the first time the dream progressed. I was again with the unknown dive partner, and we were doing two dives. On the first dive it was normal and there were others there diving as well just as usual in the dream. Then on the second dive there was some kind of disaster and there were all of these little piles of brown slime all over the cave floors where the people previously were. It was like they all disappeared suddenly or were struck down. We started freaking out and headed back to the cave entrance, once we were there we noticed that the only people left alive were 5 little children and they were hiding in the shed that covered the entrance to the underwater cave. I could see that the children were young elementary school aged, and they were both male and female, and of different races too. The dream ended with me telling the children that it would be ok and I was there for them.

in Christ,

Re: cave diving dream

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:27 pm
by HisBlood
I have come back to this dream many times and have been praying a lot about it!
I will continue and continue ask HIM 😉

Bless you brother

Re: cave diving dream

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:19 pm
by PastorJKG
Is cave diving something you do in real life?

Re: cave diving dream

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:04 pm
by bjcollin
I have done cave diving only twice in my life, way back in college in the late 1980s. Once in the Jacob's Well in Wimberly TX and once in Cozumel in some caves in the reef where I got to feed some giant groupers in one cave and pet a giant green moray eel in another cave. I don't think this dream is about physical scuba diving at all as I am past physical diving shape anymore. For this dream it was more like the Bonne Terre Mine in Missouri where you can scuba dive in a cave/mine type of setting. Symbolically when I have been scuba diving in past dreams, it has pointed to spiritually seeing what is under the surface.

For this dream I still do not have a sense of whether it was the enemy which struck down all of the people or some natural disaster or something else. I have not had the dream again since back in January.

Thank you.

in Christ,

Re: cave diving dream

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 4:33 pm
by PastorJKG
Perhaps the unknown diving partner is the Holy Spirit. The diving is the deeper things of God. Current political upheaval that has effected the church and the covid effect are the disaster. Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Many believers simply will not embrace the deeper things of God because of blindness to the simplicity of grace. Many cannot grasp it. They are convinced they must do something to be holy enough, Then they feel condemned because the enemy convinces them they can never be good enough. This could be the slimming. The children are repetitive in many dreams from different dreamers. A younger generation that will do great things in God but will need some seasoned mature voices to help them. You fit that bill. The younger generations infatuation with the occult is the evidence of their hunger for deeper things. It just needs to be harnessed and redirected in righteousness according to biblical truth. Just my thoughts. Hope this helps.

Re: cave diving dream

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:50 pm
by bjcollin

Wow, that was good. Very insightful as to what is going on lately both in our local church and the church at large. Yes, I have for the past couple of years been wanting to pull this church up kicking and screaming into realizing their gifts and into moving into the deeper things of God and there has been major resistance. Maybe I am bumping up against the Matthew 24:12 end times lack of love, but I feel it is way more the second thing you said which is they are blinded and/or cannot grasp these deeper things of God due to the futility of their thinking and a lack of depth in their thinking. Even in last night's Wednesday service we talked about how the pandemic has kept the people out of church

Last month right after the dream I started into a 6 week Sunday school series on The Supernatural Realm. In each of the lessons I promised them a personal spiritual story that went along with the lesson. Week 1 was a study on Daniel 10, so I shared with them some of my experiences with a transportation in dream where I was taken out of my body and taken to the Himalayan mountains. And I also briefly touched on my trip to heaven out of a dream. Week 2 was a study on Exodus 11-12 and the Passover, so I shared with them about a Passover night deliverance dream I went through in a hotel where the huge hand of God came through the window and pulled a shadowy demon out of me. Week 3 was a study on 2 Kings 18 where Hezekiah was surrounded by the Assyrian army and God sent an angel to wipe out 185,000 of them. My story was of a bad neighbor that I had problems with that had an "accidental" fire. Then it all came to a head last week Wednesday I had to fill in for our senior pastor who was sick and I had to emergency ill in on a deep subject Blessings and Curses. I did think ok for the 4 hours prep time for that teaching, however I lost a few of them there with some of my encounters in deliverance ministry training with people who were affected by blessings and curses. The pastors wife's closing comments told me everything it was like she didn't believe that Christians could be affected by curses she used the end part of Psalm 5 that God put's a shield around the believer as a verse. Kind of defeating. This week Wednesday she taught on the parable of the sower which was good, and she gets to teach my next class on Paul's encounters against evil spirits in Acts 13, 16, 19. I look forward to see how she handles the topic. I am filling in for the pastor again preaching this Sunday on The Way of Love.

I like how the children represent the next generation of the prophetic. I have always seen myself that way teaching to those that are younger in their gifting and getting them trained up. I will pray some more on this interpretation. Thank you for being lead of the Lord!!

in Christ,

Re: cave diving dream

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 7:03 pm
by PastorJKG
The fact that Christians get sick, is the evidence that we are not completely shielded. I do not believe we can be possessed but we can most definitely be oppressed. We can give entrance to demonic influence at times through anger, fear, hurt and so on. If we don't realize it and allow it to remain at work in our thoughts, it can become a stronghold that may take some time to get rid of. In all honesty, most of those i know who are most adamant about Christians not being able to be effected by demons are themselves most often not very spiritually deep or they may have some open area of unchecked carnality in their life. When pressed on the issue they will simply claim, "no condemnation". Of course i know this will not always be the case, some just have not seen it yet or been under a wrong teaching.

Re: cave diving dream

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 5:47 am
by bjcollin
Fully Agree with your assessment. I spent too many years working in a deliverance ministry and have seen so many oppressed and afflicted. I even once had someone tell me "nobody should have power like that"... I had to quickly correct them and tell them "The Bible says every believer should have power like this and it should be common place." How complacent we have become nowadays as the disciples and the early church all faced the enemy openly with authority and we should expect it as well.