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Spiders in your mind

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 7:07 pm
by bjcollin
An unsaved co-worker of mine shared the following dream with me:

He woke up from the dream kicking and screaming and fighting in bed and his wife had to shake him out of the dream to avoid getting hit herself. The dream was in a 1st person point of view. In the dream he encountered an evil guy with super powers of mind kind of like an evil professor X from X-Men. The man told him "Spiders in your mind." Then the dream shifted and all of a sudden he was in a cave that was full of spiders and webs. He was stuck and he realized it in the dream that he was in a place that didn't exist in reality, so he started fighting and he was hitting and screaming F* you in the dream and he was swatting at all of the spiders and webs that were surrounding him. He realized he was stuck and he could not wake up from the dream. Then his wife woke him up from it.

My co-worker claims to be an atheist (more agnostic in my book as he just wants God to prove and show Himself to him), and he never dreams, so when he had such a powerful dream he knew it was significant. So I told him he is stuck in his thinking and surrounded by lies that he is believing and that this professor X guy was an evil demon who wanted him to remain stuck in this thinking and not find out who God really is. Not what he wanted to hear, but at least he says he is open to having God show up as he sees God as an absent negligent father type. He made the statement to me if God were to show up to him, he would be his best follower. So please pray for my co-worker to have an encounter to draw him to God.

in Christ,

Re: Spiders in your mind

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 7:35 pm
by bjcollin
God just brought to mind 2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Re: Spiders in your mind

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:13 am
by keilani
Agreeing bj!! This reminded me of an nde I listened to of a lady who is a believer. A good family friend had went with her to the er as she was unwell. Suddenly he was ushered out of the room as staff rushed in to attend to her. He too was a professed atheist, but more like ur coworker.

She was resuscitated and released. A week later, her atheist friend and his sister dropped by her home to check on her. While there he shared that while he was outside of her room, as staff was rushing in to care for her, an angel walked up to him and said, "Don't worry, we just need her for a minute but she'll be back."

After that, he believed. He didn't broadcast it but just acknowledged God in his heart. His sister began crying saying how she had been praying for him all these years. God is such a Good Father and knows exactly how to speak to us.

Be encouaged!!

Re: Spiders in your mind

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 3:30 pm
by bella
Hi Brian,

I had this thought as I read your post. It's good that your coworker says he'll be the best follower of God, but I felt quite strongly that it's more important that he understands the LOVE of God towards him.

Like yes we're told to be followers, but it's more important to understand the depth of the love of God.
