Gas pumps, storm and tsunami

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Gas pumps, storm and tsunami

Post by HisBlood »

Gas pumps, storm and tsunami

Dream -

I dreamt I was on the side of a highway, with a young girl. She looked first nations or Indian! We were on the highway to the south! I felt this pressure building up underneath the ground and I saw gas pumps starting to shake and they all popped out, into the air! I saw the holes at the gas pumps and you could see that there was pressure building underneath the ground! I thought they were going to blow up but at that point they didn’t. I looked to the east and I felt we should go to the green space between the south and north highway! I looked to the east and it was all this grey smoke. It was boiling/churning and it was coming our way really fast. It seemed to be turbulent storms! I watched and thought the cars would all get thrown around or whatever but they weren’t at first but then they started to slide and spin out of control. I saw a bus flip, and it started to come towards us and I told the girl to get down and the bus went over top of us. Then I got up and looked at the gas holes and saw them explode and fire came out of the holes, very high flames! I told the young gal, we’ve got to get out of here and I turned around and looked West! I saw a huge wave, a tsunami coming towards us! I saw a Grove of trees across the north highway and I said we’ve got to get to those trees and hang on for dear life. I was carrying my cell phone and I realized I left my purse in the car. I thought if this all gets overtaken, how will people be identified? The huge tsunami the same one I had seen in St. Paul many years ago was coming and getting larger, as it came. I looked at the trees in the Grove/Forrest and there were skinny ones, medium ones and large ones. Smooth trunks! I thought I would grab a medium one, because I didn’t know if I could reach around a large one, and the skinny ones would only break! As we crossed the highway, I realized I could reach my arms around the large one and hang on, so I was going to do that and the girl, then I woke up as we reached the trees.
This dream was as vivid as the other dreams I had with tsunami’s and storms(tornadoes/hurricanes)
Than had another dream -

I was in a building with Pastor Sharon Payne and her sister Judy, whom I respect! I had a baby boy and was nursing him and there were around 20 people in the building. Some relatives of mine and theirs and other people! They all wanted to play with the baby and do things with the baby but baby just wanted to nurse and so did. But he also wanted to see the people! At the end he came and wanted me to nurse him again! Judy had wanted him, so I did and he went to sleep. Beautiful sleeping little angel! I let her hold him, as he slept

Any thoughts would be appreciated
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Re: Gas pumps, storm and tsunami

Post by JayD »

Fairly old and you may know what it is about already, but thought I'd share in the event it may help.

Sounds like what people have been using to fuel their journeys is about to explode to the surface due to the heating up underneath.

The spiritual atmosphere also appears to be effected, things going up in smoke, which will affect people's journeys, and there appears to be a huge wave / movement that may sweep the land.

You appear to be looking to protect the younger generation from the dangers of this movement, possibly the young women. You take time to look and consider a solid anchor, so to speak, so that you both are not swept away.

With the next dream it appears that through it all something will be birthed.

A new ministry?

It desires and needs nurturing, which you seem more than willing. Judy appears to want to be a part of this process.
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Re: Gas pumps, storm and tsunami

Post by JayD »

This sort of reminds me of some things I've seen in the past with movements involving the younger generation. What they sense can be on target, but it is fueled by the wrong things (bitterness, etc).

And of course God can still use it. If he could use Nebuchadnezzar and his "full of pride" army to fulfill his will, he sure can use an angry generation. Issue is, eventually God will deal with our issues too.

This unrest needs to be properly nurtured.

Just what it reminds me of. The example may not fit.
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Re: Gas pumps, storm and tsunami

Post by JayD »

The identification part possibly speaks of concern over being seen the same as everyone else. Sort of like how we can feel a certain people are all the same.
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Re: Gas pumps, storm and tsunami

Post by JayD »

Also, wondering if this storm may have to do with the "First Nation" or Indian people.

Maybe some things brewing underneath that is about to burst forth onto the surface.

Is there political unrest? No need to answer. Just food for thought.
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Re: Gas pumps, storm and tsunami

Post by HisBlood »


We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
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