Experiment in praying God‘s word

Questions about dreams and symbols
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Experiment in praying God‘s word

Post by bjcollin »

A friend of mine sent me a podcast of Creflo Dollar, and his teaching was on how the power of God flows (mark 5 : 24-34) one of his points was on healing and how we all pray trying to touch Jesus and we all want a manifestation. Whatever we are trying to get is already done. Unbelief, prayers asking for healing when it is already done at the cross it is finished by his stripes we were healed. God doesn’t answer because he already did it and we’re asking in unbelief. Manifestation happens when we change how we pray in faith. Grace makes, Faith takes.

As an engineer, I am always grand on experiments. So I started experimenting with a different verse that is already in my spirit on dreams and visions, and I started changing the way I pray this week as it experiment. I have been going through a dry spell and dreaming, so I wanted to change the way I pray about it.

Lord your word in Joel 2:28-29 says “And it shall come to pass afterwardThat I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,Your old men shall dream dreams,Your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservantsI will pour out My Spirit in those days.” Which Peter also says in acts, chapter 2. So Lord I’m asking for a dream or a vision tonight because I believe in faith in your word.

So far it has been pretty powerful, I will let you know later how the Lord has started moving, I encourage you guys to run your own experiments in this way, increase your faith, and deep in your relationship with the Lord and his word.
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Re: Experiment in praying God‘s word

Post by keilani »

Yes, I love this bj. It is a paradigm shift, taking what is already done. Reminds me of the fascinating world of quantum physics.

For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth so that He may support those whose heart is completely His. Excited to hear what He is doing in your heart and life!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.