Back at an old place

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Back at an old place

Post by bjcollin »

In this dream, I was back at an old school in Bramwell WV where we used to do missions work at. However, in the dream it was much bigger and very different than it was in real life, and I was going back there to look around and reminisce at what others had done since we had been gone. In real life, this organization does not exist anymore. I was being led through the building, and at one point we crossed what was a giant pit area across a cat walk type of bridge. I mentioned that previously we used to go down into the pit, cross it, and then climb back out the other side on a ladder. The person leading me got mad at me as I was mentioning it and hurried us along. Also as we were leaving the pit area I looked back and up and I noticed that where there were once some apartments that the boys had stayed in, there were now iron safe doors that were locked. Somehow I knew that these people were unable to open the doors to see what was inside those areas, and I was given the combination 52-18-17 in my mind. We then went into this area that seemed like it used to be a gift shop with loft of jewelry that was for sale, there were a lot of glass display cabinets that had been smashed and a lot of the better jewelry was missing and there was still some of the lower quality jewelry left and they still had price tags on them like they were trying to sell them. I mentioned this about the stolen/missing jewelry and the person leading the tour took me by the arm and angrily led me out of the building. *end of dream*

I have not dreamed about this building setting for many years now and we have not been in this organization since about the 2008 timeframe. I have some ideas that it represents some sort of old mindset about church or ministry that does not need to be reminisced about, but other than that I have no ideas on this dream and why the Lord would bring it back now days.

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Re: Back at an old place

Post by PastorJKG »

It seems to indicate a spirit of control at work in an organization. Perhaps a similar situation but in a different place. God is giving you insight and a combination to unlock some things through prayer and prophetic declaration. This spirit of control doesn't allow freedom to think or act independently. It drags you by the arm in a demanding way. The thief comes to steal kill and destroy but when the thief is caught, he has to repay with interest so he doesn't want anyone exposing his theft. For your prayerful consideration brother BJ.
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Re: Back at an old place

Post by bjcollin »

I feel you are pretty close to spot on in this. I definitely need to pray about this more. Thank you.

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Re: Back at an old place

Post by keilani »

Hey bj. I was re-reading this dream today as well as your Children's Hospital dream. To me, they seemed connected. In the Children's Hospital dream, deliverance was a theme. In this dream, apartments that the boys used to stay in were now locked iron-safe doors. It made me wonder if people were still inside needing to be set free/delivered.

The lower quality jewelry you saw still there waiting to be sold made me think that yes, there are people trapped behind those doors needing to be delivered.
The fact that you were given the combination makes me think you have a role to play in this "mission," it being the old school you used to do missions work at. The guy getting angry at you representing that you are beginning to realize things that are wrong and are a threat to what they have going on.

I have learned that He uses dreams to reveal the things we need to know so that we can fulfill the purpose for which we were created. As my understanding of dreams has grown, I have also begun to see how the dreams I've had in the past interconnect with the ones I'm having now and give me greater understanding of God, His Ways, our purpose as a family, and so on.

And just a funny side note: you know how we pray "God, don't let me miss it" (i.e., Him, the mark, His call). The Hosts assigned to us will see to it that we don't. I've dreamt more than once (but knew I was actually doing it in the spirit realm) of standing w an angel, observing demonic activity. Then I would be commanded to walk right into it. My normal thinking self (soul) would never do it willingly irl, so I'd simply say, "Nope!" After the third no, I always found myself plopped right into the middle of the situation I was trying to avoid :s49:

We have a good God who will not let us miss Him as long as He is the desire of our heart.
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Re: Back at an old place

Post by keilani »

Regarding the combination, is there anything significant that happened in July 1998?
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Re: Back at an old place

Post by bjcollin »

Very Interesting date... We got married the previous year Dec 97 and moved to Iowa. Our son Noah was conceived that summer May 98 and born 9 months later Feb 99. My wife took a driving trip July 98 back to Texas with my parents and her mom which was quite memorable to her, but I stayed back in Iowa and worked that summer. We knew the people from the mission well at that point, but I don't think that we had started going there yet as they had just started it sometime around 1998. What brings up that date?
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Re: Back at an old place

Post by keilani »

The combination you knew in your mind to get into the dorms. If you add each pair, it's 7,9, 8. I was wondering if there was something key he spoke to you around that time that might help unlock the meaning of this dream.

I haven't learned to fully understand numbers of this type in my dreams yet. But this thought did come as I was reading your dream again.

And I just realized that I misread that part. I thought people touring were unable to see inside but if I'm understanding correctly, it was the people leading the tour who were unable to see what was inside the locked doors?
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.