Unusual Transaction

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Unusual Transaction

Post by Imma »

I had a baffling dream last night. In this my dream my ex-husband said that my elder sister owes him and must pay him back with interest. I intervened in the dream and said the interest he is charging her is too much that he should not charge more than 21% but he insisted as the haggling persevered and become stressful. At this point I woke up and was baffled because my ex-husband does not interact with my sister even when we were married because my sister has mental disability? Please pastor, what could this unusual transaction dream mean.?
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Re: Unusual Transaction

Post by PastorJKG »

Spiritually speaking, your ex husband is the enemy of your soul. Being born in sin as we all are we must divorce him to marry Christ (repent). He was claiming to be owed something by your mentally ill sister. Could it be that the mental illness is in fact a demonic oppression? 21 is 7x3. perhaps He is trying to be the complete (7) controller (3 the number of God, Trinity) of her destiny out of his hatred for you and retaliation. Yes i believe some mental disorders are chemical in nature but some are also demonically inspired. And even if it is a natural illness, he will try to make it much worse than it should be because he uses our weaknesses against us.
For your prayerful consideration.
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Re: Unusual Transaction

Post by Imma »

Thanks Pastor. Why would he have such power over her?. Is he in occultic becasue I have suspect that either he or his mother is in one.