cobalt blue beads

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cobalt blue beads

Post by PastorJKG »

on 12/6/2020
I dreamt I was being shown a string of cobalt blue beads. That was the whole thing but it was vivid and seemed significant. I did not have a sense of evil or good. upon waking I didn't know if it was revealing someone working mala bead magic (witchcraft) against me, or if the Lord was offering a gift or what it meant. Through a little research I found that Lapis lazuli is the biblical color of the sea upon which the presence of God is enthroned. and it is the same color.

It's been a while but still no idea what it meant. TIA
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Re: cobalt blue beads

Post by bjcollin »


Just a quick off the cuff reply... I have seen that different colors of blue can have different meanings in dreams over the years depending on context. As a general symbol the color blue often means communion or revelation. So it might mean a revelatory gifting is being offered. I pray the Lord show you His meaning behind your dream.

in Christ,
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Re: cobalt blue beads

Post by PastorJKG »

Thank you BJ. I feel there is definitely a greater anointing available, But I'm struggling to walk in it. it seems to go back to the JPJ dream with the mountain laurel. Still trying to step into it .
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Re: cobalt blue beads

Post by JayD »

Hi Pastor.

I'm probably going to say things that you are aware of already, but I just generally say them in regards to what I see in others dreams and visions.

Sometimes I get these snapshot visions and, like you, I don't always know whether it may represent something good or evil.

I suspect in these instances God is looking to give us a heads up but also wants us to use discernment. He's trying to grow and stretch us in that department. There are specific symptoms of being influenced by witchcraft and depression and oppression can be part of it. I don't have too much time to talk today but maybe later tonight.

Also, I did go back to the jpj dream that you had that you made reference to. I found the play on the words interesting. If there is anything to it, it may speak of being careful with men, or a man, and using discernment. May share some further thoughts later if i have more time later. If not, maybe another day.
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Re: cobalt blue beads

Post by JayD »

For now I'll add, your revelatory gifting and Godly wisdom shines bright on this board. I wouldn't concern myself as to when or how a greater anointing. As those divine connections take place, it will be there, yet sometimes we need to deal with anything that may be looking to hold us back by the power of God.
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Re: cobalt blue beads

Post by JayD »

Hi again. Some further thoughts you can consider with the Lord

I also tend to see the color blue as in spiritual and revelatory aspects. For my dreams the shade can speak of how deep, so to speak, it is.

Gems can speak of spiritual gifts in my dreams.

I don't know if that's the case in yours, but the dream does appear to be a sort of "heads up".

Jesus spoke of discernment. He told us we will know them by their fruit. He also spoke of those weighing us down with their demands and not lifting a finger to help

Matthew 23
"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

Basically, if it is of God's Spirit, it will bear his fruit.

I'm no expert on witchcraft so i can only speak of what i feel the Lord has shown me, and in his Word. Galatians 5 is a good place to start in his Word, which I'm sure you know.

As for what i feel God has shown me, witchcraft looks to control others by a negative spiritual, or soul attachment. For example, a sense of obligation that is not driven by love for God and others, but things like guilt. People can lay these things on you without realizing it. Shaming another to do what you want is another. These things bring death. The Spirit of God brings life.

Godly sorrow is a fruit of the Spirit that brings life. We change due to love, a love for God, a love for others.

I one time had a vision of an eye. Like you, no discernment yet. My thoughts afterward was that it may relate to evil eye, but I didn't know.

At the time i was involved in a very sensitive decision that was ultimately mine to make. It was a verry difficult decision that could cause another pain. Some pain was understandable in the situation, but i questioned whether it was necessary and what was the right thing to do and I prayed. I was lost in a sense because I wanted a clear answer, but none came. So I did what I felt I had to do and made the decisions I had to make at the time always trying to make the right decision to cause the least amount of unnecessary pain that I could.

Sure enough someone who didn't know me came at me guns fully loaded and just laid it thick on me. I can tell this individual was not seeing me clearly and there was quite a bit of self-righteousness and definitely what I felt was a beam in her eye.

I thought I handled the situation with her very well and told her how this wasn't an easy decision and I'm not looking to cause any harm or pain. I'm just trying to do the best I can to make the right decisions on a very sensitive matter and it's ultimately my decision to make.

But she just viewed me as a selfish person that was only thinking of themselves.

Because I myself was unsure if I was making the right decision, guilt and condemnation followed and it stuck. What followed afterwards was a fairly long period of oppression and depression. I would recount the story with those closest to me and tell them about the vision I had and how I now believe that the eye i saw was an evil eye.

I prayed and prayed and prayed. Liberty didn't come right away, but through the delay I feel like I gained so much wisdom in regards to the situation that I would not have had, had I been liberated when I wanted to be. I had to keep asking, knocking, seeking him and I came out with I feel is of him and it's very special. I can't say I have it all right but had i not gone through that hell I probably would have never had it.

That's why I like to say if there is a delay doesn't mean God hasn't heard us or we're doing anything wrong. Sometimes he wants to work on others first, and / or there is something to gain with the delay.

So basically sometimes we just don't know until we go through the situation and see what kind of fruit it bears. It's how I often see these little snapshots of dreams or visions with no particular details to them.

That's all I really have for now. And I'm not real clear on the jpj dream, but it does appear to speak of a watchman on the wall. I thought looking through the middle window may represent looking forward.

Scent in my dreams generally represent the essence of someone from within.

Thanks. Hope all is well with you during this time.
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Re: cobalt blue beads

Post by JayD »

I should mention that a reason for the delay was because God had to show me the reason why it stuck, which was associated to a false belief.