Donald Trump and Paula

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Donald Trump and Paula

Post by HisBlood »

My husband had this dream, last night -

I dreamt I was preaching to a church of about 1000 people outdoors in the US. I had met the pastor somewhere close to where I was from and he had invited me. It went really well and when it was time to come home I jumped in my car and Donald Trump was in the passenger seat. We were chatting like we were good friends even though I had a small car. As we were leaving he kept going on over and over about this assistant he had lost named Paula and how he needed to find a new Paula. In the dream I prayed with him that he would find a new Paula. Then as we were leaving we saw a dog laying down that had blood on its hind end that looked like it had been hit by a car. It was injured but alive and looked like it would recover. Donald seemed very compassionate about the dog. The most important part of the dream was about Paula.
Paula means small and humble

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Re: Donald Trump and Paula

Post by PastorJKG »

I would say to pray for him to be humble because pride has been one of his greatest hindrances. God stiff arms the proud but gives grace to the humble. With his wealth and achievements it is easy to be puffed up but it is a dangerous attitude to give place to.
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Re: Donald Trump and Paula

Post by Chrisy489 »

Are you a minister?
Do you have a small ministry?
PAULA White is one of Trump's spiritual/religious advisors. Paula White has proven herself to be a "questionable" minister of the Most High. I think that your dream is revealing that for Trump's next presidential run, the Lord will remove Paula White and a vacancy will be there for one whom the Lord chooses. The following should be noted:
  • There was "harmony" between the both of you as you chatted as good friends indicating that the "association" with Trump is one that is divinely orchestrated for the Lord's purpose ("How can two walk together unless they agree?" "What does light have to do with darkness?"). Observe that you did not invite him into your car and neither did he ask to join you - he was just there sitting in the passenger seat.
  • Trump - a billionnaire and former POTUS - sits in the PASSENGER seat of YOUR SMALL CAR and is not bothered in doing so and takes no offense in being driven in a small car by one who is not on his socio-economic level. This shows humility/submission to the move of the Most High.
  • You in your small car prayed for him and the harmony continues. He ACCEPTS the prayer as if he knew that he needed God's help in finding "Paula's" replacement and the reason why he was in your car was because he had a problem - he needs a replacement for "Paula".
  • The Lord then revealed to you his heart - his compassion for the injured dog that would die if help is not obtained. THIS IS THE REASON WHY HE IS LOOKING FOR A REPLACEMENT FOR PAULA. (Remember what the Most High told the Prophet Samuel when he went to Jesse's house to anoint one of his sons to replace Saul as the king of Israel... man looks at the outside/appearance but it is ONLY God who knows the heart.)
The Lord is clearly telling you to pray for Trump to be blessed with the right spiritual/religious advisor as he navigates his way into his second presidency. Why? It is obvious that the Lord has a purpose for him that has to be fulfilled in his second term as POTUS.

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Re: Donald Trump and Paula

Post by HisBlood »

Wow, thanks he said!
Lotsa food for thought 😉
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Re: Donald Trump and Paula

Post by JayD »

Hi. Just an addition.

As i read this i believe the association and authority, so to speak, to pray for Trump came from the invitation and acceptance in the first portion of the dream. He then probably developed a heart for spiritual matters in the US during his time here (not necessarily physically here) and before he returns to more personal matters, the Lord may just be showing him another opportunity to work through him in the US.

I fell in love with the Russian people when i fell in love with Russian literature. At times the Lord will reveal things to me with Russia that i can pray about. I believe it is because my heart for them.

Sometimes we say we'll pray for another and at times it can just be something we say because we feel it's appropriate and the right thing to do, but i believe it's these deeper connections by our willingness and the Lord's spirit that give us the authority, through Christ.

Won't box God in that regard and say He can't work otherwise, like an instant connect by his Spirit, because i believe that He can only be boxed in this, who He is and his promises. Everything else is up for change as he chooses, just what i saw in the first portion.

As we receive and accept invitations, God can divinely connect us with others for his good.

Doesn't matter the size, but heart and divine connection
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Re: Donald Trump and Paula

Post by Chrisy489 »

JayD said something important that I missed in my response to the dreamer.

In the beginning of the dream, the Lord revealed the dreamer's WILLINGNESS TO SERVE HIM. Note that the dreamer said, "It went really well." His attitude/stand was one of "joy/satisfaction" to serve the Lord - just serve. He was invited. He went. He preached. He left feeling "pleased" with what he did and its outcome. He was able to preach to 1,000 people. No mention is made of money - just serving the Lord in his ministerial work and he did so with joy/satisfaction. He LIKED doing it.

Why is this important?

Paula White merchandizes the Gospel. She uses it for "filthy lucre". The dream reveals that the dreamer is polar opposite to Paula White and that is WHY Trump is in his "small car" with the problem of replacing "Paula".

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Re: Donald Trump and Paula

Post by JayD »

The fact that the name Paula means small and humble appears to confirm what Chrissy is saying.

When I first read this dream I also felt that the dog scene was revealing his heart. Sometimes it isn't easy to see because of his human nature that gets in his way.

I tend to feel the same way at times. Sometimes I'm like, why can't others see my heart? I think it is how I can react at times, which appears to be revealed in my gnome dream. Not that I'm physically attacking, but unless someone is discerning, I don't think they can see past my response at times. I'm learning not to speak when my emotions are running high. Not a rule, but still growing in this area.

Anyway, don't mean to speak about myself so much. It is just how God can often reveal things to me. I tend to joke that I'm careful now of what I ask Him to understand because often in my life He puts me, or allows me, to go through it to show me. Not the easiest way to know, but it is humbling.
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Re: Donald Trump and Paula

Post by JayD »

Definitely an act of God that saved him.

I also saw what appeared to be a much more toned down trump during the first debate. I'm sure he had his advisors, but it seemed genuine to me.

Thank you Lord for saving him and giving others a heart for him.

May you comfort those that lost their lives, and may they find you in the midst of the storm. In Jesus name. Amen.