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Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:29 pm
by eternallove
I dream of our Apostle having long hair with a gold piece of weave in it. I didn't understand why he had changed his hair. Then I saw another elder with the same hairstyle it was smoothed down in the front and had a long shag with a gold piece on weave in it. It was like a pimp hairstyle. Sorry for using that word but that is all I know to describe the hairstyle. The hairstyle seemed to stand out in the dream and also about a young lady in leadership being arrested. This whole dream took place at a conference in a hotel and it was like the young lady was not wanted there by the hotel. The staff came and got her out of the conference and arrested her.

Does this dream have any meaning? It stays on my mind. I don't know how to describe it but it was like the holy spirit was speaking to me during the dream. My reason for saying that is one of the elders came up to me in the dream and gave me a bus ticket and ask me to meet her for lunch and gave me the tickets to catch the bus. I heard the holy spirit tell me "She is testing you".

Also when I was seated in the dream it was amongst a bunch of prophets. Help it was some many details. I should have wrote it out as soon as I woke up.

ur dream

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:55 am
by Red
Please ask God firstly. If this is nothing or doesn't resonate w the holy spirit in u...toss it out.

God's word speaks about a womans hair being her glory...but a man w long hair being disgraceful. There was a cultural reason for that in bible times.

A weave in a man's hair today would still be pretty disgraceful. Pimp hair is unfashionable to most folks...a blond streak even more outrageous.

Do you at all sense any type of misappropriation...exploitation...or merchandising of peoples gifts happening in the ministry u attend? If so...why? If not...amen.

Why was the young lady 'arrested' (blocked...handcuffed...hindered by authorities)? Was she speaking out...was she a distraction...was she operating in love, rebellion, etc? Is she opposed to bad hair (lol...really though, was she protesting something she saw as wrong?)

U were watching...that's why u were seated w prophets...they are watchmen.

Pray and intercede for your leaders as God leads u.

The tickets...a way out. Do u take them? Does the ministry 'test' people by tempting them to get out of position?

Just questions to ask yourself and the Lord. Hope it helps. God bless.