Myanmar/Burma - smuggling & tigers

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Myanmar/Burma - smuggling & tigers

Post by Victorious »

I laid down for a nap, prayed, and fell asleep and dreamed. The first scene was so real, I was slightly confused upon waking.

I was sitting here at my computer, when my husband and our 16yo son walked to the front door, and my hubby announced that our son was going to work with him in a little while. It seemed as if my hubby had only been home a little while, so I wondered why he would go right back like that.

Then I was in a motorboat at sea. There were 3 other boats like the one I was on, and all 4 boats were racing to another larger boat, an old pontoon, full of people that appeared to be from Myanmar/Burma or someplace around there. We were supplying them with fuel for their boat, which was illegal for us to do. Three boats, including the one I was on, delivered the fuel, but the other boat - which had gotten there before any of us - hadn't delivered yet. The border patrol or whoever was coming fast. The captain of my boat told the captain of the first boat to hurry up and deliver or risk getting caught. The other captain said something about having tried to deliver earlier, before the rest of us got there, but the people on the pontoon had placed some kind of expectation on him (I forget what) and he was waiting for them to change their mind or something.

We left. At first we kind of wavered back and forth - should we go slow and act innocent, or hightail it out of there? The boat started going full speed ahead, and we passed by a place where I thought we had gotten onto a cruise ship before - this was from a dream a few years ago that I'd forgotten all about and don't really remember. Then there was a wooden dock and our boat skidded down it to the sandy beach, into a chain-link cage that was supposed to be for Burmese tigers. There was a woman there who was dressed in expedition clothes - khaki shirt and shorts, boots, hat. She led us back through the jungle to a home, and showed us the baby tigers there all wrapped in gray, gauzy fabric. The people in the home also wore those wraps, and the baby tigers did not recognize them as outsiders because they had always worn the wraps.

My husband was on his cell phone talking to his brother Chris (Christian). His back was to the door/window. Chris apparently was on the first boat, and he told my hubby to look back at the face of the man who was detaining him (from border patrol or whoever it was). He said there was a mark on the man's face by his eye, like star. It was important that my hubby see it. But he couldn't turn around to see it, and it was too far away to see anyway, but somehow my hubby looked in a small mirror or maybe even just a reflection in his cell phone screen and saw way out to sea to the man on the boat and the mark on his face.

Then we had to leave, it was about to get dangerous, we were told. We had to wear the gray, gauzy wraps so we would blend in with the locals, and exit quietly through a side door. The baby tigers were coming, too. There was a small creek outside the side door ... and then one of my kids came in and woke me up! So I don't know how it was going to end.
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Post by Blessings »

Could the tigers have anything to do with the Tamil Tigers a militant group in Burma?Their children perhaps.

Sorry, correction. Tamil Tigers are in Sri Lanka. Wrong country. Nix the idea. I didn't delete this post just in case you read it already and were praying about that possibility.
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Post by Victorious »

No, I hadn't read it yet, but thanks. :)
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Post by Victorious »

I am not positive it was Myanmar ... it was definitely in that part of the world and I remember hearing the name of the country or tribe of people, and it started with "M".

Smuggling in the "fuel" for the boat of people seemed like we were watching for a window of opportunity to open up, and we rushed in and out as quickly as possible so as not to be detected and arrested. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with Christians smuggling Bibles into countries where they are not allowed?
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Post by Victorious »

This dream has been on my mind a lot lately ...
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Myanmar and boats

Post by Busymumforfour »

The boats are representing churches of different sizes.
The larger boat offers safety for those smaller assisting churches.
God does provide refuge and hiding is not unbiblical. Gideon
Assisting those migrants to escape in reality also comes with high risks. The churches are assisting but it still takes the locals to know the safer ways. God uses these people to get into Myanmar.
The woman is a warrior. She can be a woman in your church who is a strong prayer. She has the way in and out.
Are you inclined to short term missions and promoting overseas assistance in your local churches?
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Post by piano »

Hi Victorious,

What an interesting dream!

For your discernment, one thing stuck out to me. Discard if not resting.
I was sitting here at my computer, when my husband and our 16yo son walked to the front door, and my hubby announced that our son was going to work with him in a little while.
Your husband (The Lord) is calling your son into service with Him.

The son could be representative of your actual son, or of a 16 year old ministry that you have been trained in that is close to your heart, and very much a part of you...Prayer..(Intercession/spiritual warfare/ salvation)

I say this because prayer intercession is something that takes a bit of time to develope, and this dream seems quite instructive in that area of revelation as how to intercede in discernment, search, rescue and recovery.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by Victorious »

The boats are representing churches of different sizes.
The larger boat offers safety for those smaller assisting churches.
God does provide refuge and hiding is not unbiblical. Gideon
Assisting those migrants to escape in reality also comes with high risks. The churches are assisting but it still takes the locals to know the safer ways. God uses these people to get into Myanmar.
The woman is a warrior. She can be a woman in your church who is a strong prayer. She has the way in and out.
Are you inclined to short term missions and promoting overseas assistance in your local churches?
I do feel inclined that way, have had many dreams indicating that missions is part of God's plan for me. I have yet to come to that place in my life, though.
our husband (The Lord) is calling your son into service with Him.

The son could be representative of your actual son, or of a 16 year old ministry that you have been trained in that is close to your heart, and very much a part of you...Prayer..(Intercession/spiritual warfare/ salvation)

I say this because prayer intercession is something that takes a bit of time to develope, and this dream seems quite instructive in that area of revelation as how to intercede in discernment, search, rescue and recovery.
I have not actually been trained in prayer intercession, but along with missions, it seems to be an area God is calling me to.