Working at the hospital

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Working at the hospital

Post by rinico »

Hallo again

Last night I dreamt that I was working in a hospital.

I saw all the ill patients there and can remember a few of them. One man was clothed in burgundy pyjamas. He was sitting on a chair with his right arm up in the air holding onto something on the wall. I could see that he was in a lot of pain. Next to him was a nurse sitting down trying to treat him.

There were also two other female patients lying on beds. But the beds were all shoved about in the room. The one lady on the left hand side was a very difficult woman and the other lady was sleeping but there was a curtain drawn over her backside. Underneath the bed on the left hand side I picked up three pairs of shoes. Two white pairs and one navy blue pair. One of the white pairs were boots and the other two pairs were just ordinary court shoes. There was also a doctor standing in the hospital. He was very attractive and dressed in black pants and a black and white pinstriped jacket.

Some blonde girl then showed me around the hospital and took me to the staff apartments. She left me in the one apartment but she switched the lights off and left me there on my own. I wasn’t scared because I am not a person that gets scared very easily (even in real life). I am not afraid of the dark. This was a beautiful apartment with the lounge and all other rooms downstairs but the bedroom was upstairs. There were a wooden wall and wooden steps to the top bedroom.

I then left the apartment to go back to the hospital but on the way I took a footpath to the right that made its way underneath a huge old tree and I could hear some music and singing. This was very beautiful soft music, not gospel music but more like country music and I was trying to ask somebody if this was the original artist that was singing it.

There were four nurses sitting on a porch and I remember shaking hands with them. As I got closer to the music there were lots of colourful bursts up in the sky, almost like huge crackers exploding.

I then woke up.

Your insights would be appreciated.

God bless you
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Post by cbass »

hey there! I saw a few things while reading your dream and I'd like to share them. I dont fully understand the dream but some things make sense to me..
First hospital to me is a place of healing. Maybe in this place it spiritual healing.
Second the man on the bed between the two hurt ladies.... well forgive me if Im wrong but I see this as Jesus on the cross with the two prisoners on either side of him. One was harsh and bitter, the other asked the lord to remember him when he enterd His kingdom. Jesus also had his mother sitting at his trying to make it better (a mothers heart). The lady to the mans left was the bitter one,, the lady to his right was the forgiven one ( Jesus cover'd her same, her backside)
The apartment: dont understand all of it but the wooden wall and steps could be representation of the Cross and we need to go to the cross to get to the higher place in God where we can rest deeply in him (the bedroom)
the huge tree: I heard "wisdom" when i saw tree. i also know that when we dream in vivid beautiful colors its holy,, so mabey On your way back to the healing place you walked in the way of wisdom and found holiness.
Does any of that settle well in your spirit? I see this as a very beautiful encouraging dream about the cross, salvation, healing and heaven. WOW!