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Dreams in morning

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:26 pm
by t_vest
Hey I have a quick question, I used to have dreams in the middle
of the night. Recently I am having dreams around 3:00- 4:00 a.m.
After my alarm has went off and I dozed back off.
( I have to be at work early) But it seems like I am not all the way asleep. I thought you only dreamed in the rem stage. Is this correct or is my VERY VIVID imaganation getting the better of me? (had one this morning I will post it , the title is old lady ghost with dog.).

Does any one else do this????? thanks

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:00 pm
My friend has a book regarding this and she said that dreams from 3:00-5:00 is revelation dreams. Not sure what book she has but some dreams that I've had during that time do seem to be revelational dreams.

I guess you do not have to be all the way asleep b/c I may wake up to go to the bathroom and continue my dream when I go back to sleep.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:06 am
by Dreamsinger
Yes - to the dreams/visions when I am not completely asleep - I have been getting these for the past few months very vividly.

I will see faces - they flash by very quickly - interestingly enough a lot of them are older people - wondered if it was even people that had passed on - maybe the great cloud of witnesses?

I will hear conversations - as if I am overhearing someone else. I find it very hard to remember these though and have been asking God what they are and if He wants me to remember/record these.

And some of the dreams/visions have been amazing - far more prophetic/revelatory than any others. I have also been able to interact in some of these ones and ask questions and get answers.

I have been incredibly excited about this and really look forward to going to sleep at night, because the frequency is increasing.

I also go back to sleep after my husband gets up for work and have some then - but for me these ones are not as revelatory.

I was just about to post asking about this!!!!


Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:40 am
by keilani
This happens to me as well! What I've noticed about these visions lately is that it's like my spiritual eyes are open and I can either perceive what is happening in the spirit realm or else I can receive what the Lord is trying to give to me. I'm new to this area of the spirit realm but I heard a respected pastor say that dreams have hidden meanings from God which need to be sought out whereas visions are literal and need no interpretation.

Watches in the Spirit

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:37 pm
by Neice
Many of us are awaken around certain hours during the night a lot of intercessors is awaken at ANY given moment yet, around the hours of 3am to around 6am is the fourth watch. Which is the time when God reveals secrets or revelation one might add.

This time is in fact my prayer watch. Most of the time many people are too tired to pray at this hour yet, it is one that we should press in to see what the Lord is saying. Dreams are no different.

My daughter contiously dream during the mornings these are the most prophetic dreams for her.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:50 pm
by Joy2dream
We dream all night. We only remember some of the dreams.
If you wake enough during the middle of the night you should write it down. The going back to sleep and dreaming again may be when you have entered REM.

The Lord will get His message through.
