The Mob

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The Mob

Post by cbutler »

Hi everyone.

I dreamed of a place I did not know. It was summer time. I was standing with 3 men from the Sopranos. Three gangsters. They were all dressed nicely but had barefeet. We were all going to a party at one of their homes. So we all walked down the street to this large, beautiful house. It had a high wall to the street. A large open entrance where you could see up the steps into their backyard. There are alot of people there. I can see alot of gold decor. A very large swimming pool. A handrail going up the steps and I can see that everyone is dead. The hostess is crying that everyone is dead! Dead people are lying everywhere. The 3 sopranos are confused and go to see what happened.

I'm by the water, standing on the top seats of a bleecher. There are people sitting here and there. It is summer and everyone is dressed for summer including me. I can see that I have bare feet. For some reason I am happy. I'm running back and forth on the top bleecher. Stepping over people when nessacary but when I do I leave alittle pile of salt.(Looks like kosher salt) I do this for awhile. Then I come to the end of the bleechers. I can see the end rail, the beach and sand. A young man asks' me for a drink. I must say OK because he bends down and takes a drink from my calf. It's salty. I don't think this is strange or out of place. Like its perfectly natural for a complete stranger to take a drink from my calf.

What does "calf" mean if anything?

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Post by cbutler »

Killing all my desires.

Living in the Spirit. Learning quickly. Sharing with anyone who asks?