I Can't Dance...

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I Can't Dance...

Post by dance-in-the-son »

I was in a city that appeared to be NY city. It was at night where all the lights were on outside. We went down the stairs to an underground bar-type place and two black/brown dogs came running up as we were walking down. There were alot of people who appeared to be motorcyle riders (leather jackets, etc.) We walked through the place and then left. There were several of us standing outside talking (I do not remember what we were talking about)

Scenes changed and I was in a dance studio (still in NY) I was taking dance lessons and the girl who was teaching me was very talented in dance. I was following her trying to do what she was doing and I stopped because I couldn't follow along and I felt so out of place because I couldn't dance. The lead instuctor told me that it took alot of practice and training for her to dance like that and it would take alot of practice and determination for me to learn. I felt like I didn't belong there and was frustrated because I wanted to dance and couldn't.
My alarm radio woke me up to this song: (I beleive it is relevant) Today is the day You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I won't worry about tomorrow, You will lead and I will follow...

I have a feeling this is regarding to my walk in the spirit, however, please see what the Lord puts on your heart.

irl-I would love to learn how to dance because it is another form of worship, I beleive it is a lost element of worship that should be incorporated into church worship at some level. I would love to see the youth be able to dance in worship to the Lord...

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Wondering if this may be about the desire in your heart to know how to dance in worship? Wondering if NewYork could be symbolic of a "New" and Exciting place that the Lord is bringing you into where you will be learning what you so desire in your heart? Thinking He is also encouraging you to not worry about how good you are at first..just jump in there and begin. Feeling that this song is confirmation of that:
Today is the day You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I won't worry about tomorrow, You will lead and I will follow...
Just let the Lord lead you and don't worry about how it will turn out.

Also, I heard that old country song:
Life's a dance you learn as you go
sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow

Have you ever heard of that song?

Just some thoughts..if this doesn't fit or agree with you please discard it.
Love you.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

Thank you, this really hits home in my spirit, I think it is two fold like you said in worship and in life becuase life is a dance. Dance has really been on my heart and I was prophesied in regards to dance and I beleive it will give me new freedoms. I do remember that song, cute! God is so intimate with all our issues and everything on our heart no matter how small. It all matters to Him! :wink: Thank you...I guess I just need to start and see where it leads, starting is the hardest for me...bless you!

Another thing that New York reminded me of...
you said that "New" thing and York Loop is the road I live on....hee hee! These word plays are so cool!!!

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

Wondering if this may be about the desire in your heart to know how to dance in worship? Wondering if NewYork could be symbolic of a "New" and Exciting place that the Lord is bringing you into where you will be learning what you so desire in your heart? Thinking He is also encouraging you to not worry about how good you are at first..just jump in there and begin. Feeling that this song is confirmation of that: Quote:
Today is the day You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I won't worry about tomorrow, You will lead and I will follow...

Just let the Lord lead you and don't worry about how it will turn out.

Also, I heard that old country song:
Life's a dance you learn as you go
sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow

Have you ever heard of that song?

Just some thoughts..if this doesn't fit or agree with you please discard it.
Love you.
I wanted to share with you what happened the other night, I beleive this is from this dream I had and you totally interpreted right because you heard His voice...wanted to encourage you.

This past weekend I went to a women’s conference. On Saturday I had great fellowship with friends and when I got home that evening I watched worship on Godtv, they were in NY and I felt led to dance because the Spirit was evident in my living room. There was nobody home and I tried dancing and I said the exact same thing I said in the dream, “I can’t dance, I felt out of place even though I was by myself and I had no clue how to move, I tried doing a few things but still didn’t try to do anything different than the norm. This was an indicator that I still have some shame or something going on where I cannot be myself in front of my creator. Any of you worshippers have some encouragement/testimonies to share with me regarding dancing???? Thanks
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12
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Post by Lillian »

I used to go to a church in another state that worshipped in dance using flags. It was beautiful. I loved to watch them.
I never felt a desire to join them, but I loved it.

when I moved the church that I joined did not have this type of ministry and I missed it so.
I never prayed about it, just missed it very much.

One night at a weekly womens' meeting, While some women were being ministered to, soft worship music was playing in the background, so I grabbed a flag that they had (they previously tried to start a flag ministry but it never formed) and I began to just worship the Lord, to me I was just waving it and sort of twirling around, nothing extravagant.

In my mind I was trying to recall what the ladies at my old church were doing. Afterward, the pastor's wife pulled me aside and said she could see the presence of the Lord all around me. This was something that she was passionate about....she said she wanted to join me, she wanted to come near me..but couldn't because the presence of the Lord was so strong all around me.

Of course I had no clue as to what she was talking about. I told her I would have to pray about it because I had always had stage fright and could not imagine dancing in front of the entire church.
Of course God gives grace for everything He prepares us to do.

I agreed to start the flag ministry and began dancing for the Lord. I prayed about it all the time, what moves to do, how to wave the flag....I had never done this before. But He showed me how, I would sense exactly what to do, and it was beautiful.

I no longer attend that church and I so miss the corporate worship especially with the flags. I do worship at home (even though my ceiling is only 8 feet, it is marked up in certain places from the flags :roll: ) One night I was dancing and I kind of just sat down, really missing the freedom and the room I had at the church, and feeling a bit awkward, when the Lord said to me "I like it when you do that". It just melted my heart.

So i dance often at home, sometimes I bump into the couch, or get dizzy from twirling around and fall onto the couch, etc.
But I know that He likes it....

If you ask Him He will show you and you will know. A lot of times it was difficult for me, in front of people, but I would just imagine being at the throne and dancing with Jesus.

I hope that helps you.
He's not a baby in a manger anymore! He's not a broken man on a cross! He didn't stay in the grave and He's not staying in heaven forever!.....He's alive!....People get ready Jesus is coming!
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Post by Lillian »

Here's a link to a YouTube video that I love. Even though the dance is choreographed, it is still awesome and I love this song as well.

http://www.youtube.com/user/lsenior5#pl ... xrY2RhYOWk
He's not a baby in a manger anymore! He's not a broken man on a cross! He didn't stay in the grave and He's not staying in heaven forever!.....He's alive!....People get ready Jesus is coming!
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

Thank you for sharing this great encouraging story, I knew someone would have a story. I love to see the flags and would love to bring a flag to church and start just waiving it in worship, this would be a huge step and I will continue to pray for the Lord to lead me at the right timing. We do not have flags or anything at church, we have a band and some of the congregation lifts their hands and that is it. I absolutely love the dance and the flags and it is a dream of mine to see the youth or people waiving flags and dancing during worship or some kind of dance ministry. There is a reason it is so big on my heart even though I have no clue what I am doing. So, I know that I need to start at home and work this out before the Lord and when I get use to it who knows there may be something in the future. Thanks for listening and sharing, you guys are wonderful and so special to me. Love ya~ :P
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12