re-accurring theme

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re-accurring theme

Post by Jehu »

Here is a dream I had with 3 reacouring themes. Austin, Clare, and Four square. I know I should be getting this but it is still not clear.

I am sitting at a bar. It is shaped like a capitol L. I am talking to Randy Clare(Likes to be called Rand). He is a pastor of a four square church in my home town. He casually sais to me; "one of the things that gives me pleasure in my spare time is playing poker, kind of like you with the prophetic. Just then I see some one pull open this divider in the back. I get a close up of the back of there head first. I think it is my friend EP who used to work at the pub I like to go to in mht. Irl EP has passed away. As He turnes around I see his face he has a full beard that is jet black. He is carrying a grey bus tub. He walks by me like he is going to bus a table. He glances at me sideways with a smile of recognition. I realize it is my friend austin. I also realize that he looks like my other friend austin.(I know it's wierd). The end.

Ok Both austins own a vw bus. I also own one. Austin is the name of a big music town. I am a songwriter.
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Post by will »


I live in austin now.
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Post by peggyo »

Hi there Will!

Funny but I think your scripture quote at the bottom of your dream post says it all:

Ephesians 2:11-

"14For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us. 15He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, 16and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility through it."


I wonder if this dream isn't showing you your progress (or at least in progress) in having this wall of division broken down, which can negatively affect our prophetic gifting if we try to operate in a worldly power struggle mode.

Seems a place you have grown in your discernment.

What do you think?

Bless you~
Peggy O.

P.S.: If you'd like me to elaborate more fully with the symbolism, just ask.
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Re: re-accurring theme

Post by Charys »

william finch wrote: . He casually sais to me; "one of the things that gives me pleasure in my spare time is playing poker, kind of like you with the prophetic.

He is carrying a grey bus tub. He walks by me like he is going to bus a table. He glances at me sideways with a smile of recognition. I realize it is my friend austin. I also realize that he looks like my other friend austin
Hi William, If your pastor thinks playing poker is anything like prophecy he is taking his poker waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously.

Austin is a variation on the name Augustine, as in St. Augustine. It means august, highly esteemed, magnificent one. In your dream the august one comes as a servant. Jesus said the one who wants to be the greatest among you needs to be a servant. This reminds me of the picture of Jesus tying a towel around his waist and preparing to wash the disciples' feet -probably the lowliest servant's job. The servant/busboy great one in your dream knows you. Whoever the pastor lounging at the bar represents (unlikely it is the real guy) he doesn't get it at all .

hmmm -maybe he's just about shallow religion, someone who plays at it. A warning for you not to take it too lightly. This is no game.

And this: James 1:27 (New International Version)
27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

--for your discernment--
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Post by will »

Thank you. I have been meditating on both of these.
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Post by bjcollin »

I love the references in this dream. I lived in Austin TX for many years and worked as a soundboard guy on 6th street for a quite a few Rock bands. I would never stay in one place long as they never "got" me as I would not drink nor smoke nor do whatever vice it was they wanted me to do. It was a very interesting life, with work by day and school by night, and Rock and Roll on the weekends, and running church soundboards on Sundays. I do not miss that life at all, but I do miss Austin as it is a lovely place to live and work in. I do not miss the enemy spirits that run prevalant around that town in the least.

You notice references in the dream between prophecy and the card game poker. In the game of poker you gamble and sometimes try to bluff your way to victory, but it is a game nonetheless. Prophecy is not a hobby and not a game, it is a useful and needed gifting in the body of Christ. I will leave a study on the need and uses of prophecy until another time as there is no space here for all of the information on that. In the last part of the dream you notice the table bussing tub, there is a lot of servants attitude and a lot of selfless service in prophecy and there is a lot of clean up to address in some peoples lives as well. I don't know if this dream is saying much about Austin other than it may not be what it seems at first look and looks can be decieving. Take a good look before moving from Idaho to Austin.

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Post by will »

I am here now Bj. Thanks for the input.
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Post by bjcollin »

will wrote:I am here now Bj. Thanks for the input.
Great town I used to live off of William Cannon in South Austin.

in Christ,