stolen baby

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stolen baby

Post by WaitingforHim »

In this dream I am given an african american baby to care for. The longer I have it the more I love it. I love it just as if it were mine.

I see myself laying down to sleep and I have the baby with me. When I wake up my baby is gone. I begin to panick and yell out "where is my baby". Others are in the room with me..I think one is my mom.

I got on my knees and began to cry out to the I did the others in the room joined with me. I was praying a prayer of protection over the baby.. I prayed for the highest warring angel to be released to protect my baby..I prayed for the Lord to cover my baby.

I then went out of the bedroom and there were a few african american women standing around and I approached one and asked her if she had seen my baby..she said that a lady came in the night and took my baby and gave it up to a foster home to be put up for adoption...I began to weep...I was trying to figure out how to find the baby...

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by piano »

Hi Waiting for Him,

Just in reading here in the wee hours of the night... :roll:

The two words that stuck out at me in this dream were foster and adoption.

You were fostering (nurturing/raising) the child and had taken it in as your own, like an adoption.

The woman who took the child gave it to (further?) foster (nururing/raising) care for (permanent?) adoption.

The attachment in the dream seems very intense.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by Deep calling unto deep »

I sense the Holy Spirit is first leading you into deep intercession. He is preparing you for a work that must first be birthed thru intercession. He is first breaking your heart concerning that which is breaking His. He is allowing you to feel the hurt in His heart to the degree that you are able to handle. There are lost souls that God wants for His Kingdom. Like Isaiah, will you say; Lord, send me, I'll go.....will you accept the assignment whether it is soley intercession or physical? Before you say "yes", you must first count the cost and know in your heart if you are willing to pay the price. The emotional cost can sometimes be heartwrenching as well as the physical. If you say "yes", He will reveal more to you and break your heart even more. This will compel you into the assignment He has for you. The Holy Spirit has been looking to and fro the earth looking for one that He can reveal Himself mightily thru. That one is you.

I can relate to your dream, because this is the way the Holy Spirit prepared me for a ministry of evangelism. Now, I can't seem to sit still. I am always asking the Lord, where is the next assignment, or where are we going next. We have travelled to desert places, hard places where the average person doesn't want to go. It has been challenging and exciting. I had to forsake everything in the natural. I just returned from a trip and I am grieving over the children I met. I once asked Him to put His dreams into my heart and whatever is on His heart, put it in my heart. My heart has been and continues to be broken because our hearts are now beating as one.
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Post by Deep calling unto deep »

Please discard any or all portions of my above post that does not witness to your spirit. I will be lifting you up in prayer today. You are blessed and highly favored by God. It is a priviledge to be chosen by Him because He knows He can trust you no matter what He ask of you.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

I may be wrong but I felt that you heard from the Lord indeed, but it was more a propetic word to me not so much a full revelation of the dream I posted though...make sense?

As I read your post I felt the Spirit of the Lord...I knew what you were speaking was from HIM to ME...but I didn't feel that it was really about the dream..I hope I am making sense because I don't want you to think I am discarding any of what you wrote at all..I have done this many times..Got on a dream post, read it, prayed, and felt the Lord begin to speak to me for that person ...but it wasn't the interpretation or the fullness of it..but rather it was a word in season for the dreamer...

That is what I believe you have given to me..a prophetic word for this season in my life...Can I be honest??? I am afraid to completely surrender to the call...I have made many many statements in moments of complete love to the Lord that I wanted Him to use me and do what He pleased with my life...and I meant it...Then the intercession comes...and its physical alot...not just felt emotionally..but physically...Often times I really felt that I was going through something in my health because it was soooo intense...and the enemy would come with fear and attack me in that place of is so horrible that I think I can't possibly take anymore...or "Pay any higher of a price"... I have received this word before and as much as I want to jump in head first and as much as I love Him...I am afraid...The price has been so high for so long now...I just don't know that I can do it.. :cry: And yet I want to so badly...My heart is rent over this..

I do believe you have obeyed the Lord...but I also believe there is something more for me to see in this dream..I have some ideas..but I need clarity. Please feel free to imput where you are led...

Thank you sooooooo much for your obedience.
You are much loved.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by peggyo »

Waiting For Him:

As I read what you just posted and your dream, I believe the dream is merely a picture of your inner struggle that you just described. Of so loving and wanting this ministry of intercession, but also the inner struggle of wanting freedom from it.

I believe it's the struggle we all go through of spirit warring against flesh. Loving what we know is good and right and we should do, and yet knowing the great cost and the painfulness of that. This is shown to you in the picture of motherhood. Both the great joy and attachment we have for the baby but also desire to be free of the responsibility that goes along with "the baby."

God bless~
Peggy O.

P.S.: Didn't you have a previous dream about an African-American baby?
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Post by WaitingforHim »

I have had many dreams where I have an african american baby..
Usually the love for the baby is so immense...

I don't believe the baby is intercession alone...although this has been a ministry in which I have been in my whole walk it seems..
I really do understand the burden of intercession and its not an easy one...and I think there are many times when the ministry of an intercessor is both taken for granted and overlooked as not important...because so many people don't understand the burdens that intercessors carry.. I think of what Ezekiel had to do in his intercession and it makes ours seem tolerable..hahaha..

I am feeling that the baby is my calling...only being mine because HE gave her to me...something not of myself (african american), but something from the Lord, from the Spirit. But so much a part of me that it could be my own.. Something that I don't completely understand, and yet something that I could never ever turn from.

In the dream as I laid down to rest with her someone came in and took her from me... I feel that this was wrong...What came to mind was when Jacob deceived trying to take the blessing that was meant for him...I know that in all reality the younger of the brothers was to be blessed but the way that Jacob deceived him was wrong... This is how I felt in the dream.. I knew in my heart that the baby would be neglected and mistreated in this foster home...I didn't know what to do...I cried out to God for protection.. I felt that my mom was the HolySpirit coming into agreement with my prayers..

Not sure of all of this though..I do believe there is a battle going on in the spirit over my calling..over my destiny... Its been a long wilderness season for me. I wonder if the Lord gave this dream to me as a guard that which has been entrusted to me..

THanks for all your help.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Deep calling unto deep »


I agree with you. This is about your assignment/ministry God has for you. I sense the Holy Spirit is also wanting to take you deeper to reveal more to you in the season to come. Did you read my last post to your other dream? As I read your post concerning Jacob and Esau, it reminded me of what I shared concerning my daughter and what God will ask of us. God was asking for her because she wasn't mine, she belonged to HIM! He wanted me to give her back to Him. I do sense a portion of the dream is God wanting you to always remember that it is His ministry (baby) and we are to never take it for our own. When we do that, it drains us, because then, we will move at times, unknowingly in our own strength and that is dangerous. He strips you of everything, leaving nothing for you to claim as your own...... not even your own desires. Be comforted, this process takes time. There is more "brokenness " to come!

On a side note; here is an article, I thought you might like to read. Copy and paste in the window browser or "search" window.

http://kingdomallianceinternational-us. ... avail.aspx
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Post by WaitingforHim »

yep I agree..
Although, I only had what I thought was a small ministry that God had left in my care...and I never thought it was mine...unless I did and wasn't aware of it.. When He called me to lay it down I did so...and I am so aware of that exhausting work and burden that ministry becomes when we are in ourselves..because I was there at one time..and quickly realized that I had to surrender that again.. But that was a each time I believe I obeyed...but instead of getting closer to the next season I felt as if the wilderness extended longer.. I am not complaining..don't get me wrong..I am ok with HIS TIMING and HIS WILL...just feel in this season that I need a little clarity on the mission..the call...the direction...then if I have to wait longer or surrender more that is ok...I think in the wilderness you go through those times of wondering if He really told you the things you heard or not..ya know.. You begin to clearly understand that you only want HIS will and if you are missing that, or trying to follow your own desires then that is something that you want to know too...I don't mean to complicate things...
Thank you for all your are clearly used of the Lord to bring refreshment..
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Deep calling unto deep »

In the upcoming season, you will receive more clarity. Although, He warned me when He asked for my daughter, I did not realize He was revealing to me what was in my heart that I must be mindful of. Our desire to do His Will and to help others can lead to pitfalls that lead us back into the wilderness for more purging. It is a good thing. What I love about the Holy Spirit is that He will reveal things to us so that we will remember when we get to that point in our callings. I am just now coming out of a season where I unconsciously was moving in my own strength and it left me exhausted. I so wanted to help people (that giving and giving that you spoke of) and I did not realize that it was not the way the Holy Spirit wanted me to go. This is the current "wilderness", purging that I am going thru to be rid of that. I did not see it fully before now as I do now.

Surrendering is a daily, moment by moment process. We are a work in constant progress. The wilderness is a place we will visit often, it keeps us hearing with clarity and keeps us refined as in the Refiner's Fire. It is a good thing! I have learned to embrace those seasons. Just like God was with Jacob,Hagar, Moses and others in the desert, so is He with us. I fully understand all of what you have shared. Relax now, there is more to come. You are in the School of the Holy Spirit. There is sooooooo much to learn. Thanks for listening and sharing. I have been blessed.