Devoured by a shark in the shallows

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Devoured by a shark in the shallows

Post by charlie »

This is my husbands dream last night:

Scene 1: My wife (charlie) and I were welcoming people into our home- it seemed like a home group and i recognized one man form real life called Chris.

Scene 2: I was on a beach looking out to sea and I saw a boy of about 8 in the shallow waters. Suddenly I saw a shark begin circling him in these shallow waters and I was amazed at how shallow the shark had come. I shouted and yelled to the boy to come out of the water but he didn't seem to hear me. The shark swallowed him whole.

I raised the alarm and tried to track the sharks movements. I had the sense that if only we could get the shark we might be able to still save the boy. Some other people gathered and we followed the sharks movements by walking down a pontoon or jetty. The the shark dove into deeper waters beyond the end of the bay shelf and we were unable to keep tracking it.

Scene 3: I was back in the homegroup meeting and we were all weeping and dismayed that this little boy had been lost.


Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Hi Charlie:

It sounds like a spiritual attack to me either on you or the group.

I would ask the lord for a clearer understanding to what’s going on the spirit and ask the lords protection as well
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Post by Truth Seeker »


when I think of sharks, I think of devour. When I think of the ocean I think of Gods people. With these two factors in mind, I see the shark as an attack from within.

I wounder if the child represents immaturity and the need to put down childish things. Or even this child could represent a great leader coming out of your home group that the enemy wants to distroy. I would ask the Holy Spirit on discernment in reference to Chris because he seems that someone who identified so he may be key to either the child or the shark.

I do beleive whatever the shark represents your husband has the ability to stop it before it takes place or begins it devouring.

My 8 year old daughter just had a dream about me a couple of weeks ago that our family was in a boat and a shark was trying to get us and I jumped in the water and fought the shark.

As I'm adding this part I think there maybe an attack on the head of households.

I pray that the words spoken bring exortation, edifying and comfort.
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Post by piano »

Hi Charlie,

I wonder if this will fit with your husband..for his discernment..

The beginning of the dream the two of you are welcoming people into your home, here I see as your husbands heart.
You are in your husbands heart, as well as many others that he loves Im sure.

Christ (Christ) is someone your husbands knows is there and welcome as well.

This beginning of the dream is warm and safe.
The Lord is showing him He is present with him.

Now comes the difficult part of the dream.
Your husband looking out into the sea..from the beach, reflecting..
(so often I have looked out to sea and thought or dreamed or sought peace in some way)

He sees the 8 year old boy...8 signifies super addition to spiritual perfection represented by the number 7.

Could it be possible that there was a great loss to your husband at this age in the natural or in his spiritual life?
A time when innocense and carefree trust is normal...future is bright......something visciously swallowed him up, dragging this childlike ease/trust deep out to sea?

He sees it as something shallow, perhaps, but it is significant enough for the Lord to show him?

He is trying to get this part of himself back, by walking out onto the long jetty into the sea, tracking the source of the kidnapping, trying to understand why it came so close to shore, where it might be...

In letting go....he finds himself back inside the home of his heart, surrounded by love that holds him through others and Christs compassion and empathy, mourning this loss and healing by Gods Spirit.

I have always believed that God will restore all that the enemy has taken from us, by His love and power.

Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls;
All Your waves and billows have gone over me.
The LORD will command His love in the daytime,
And in the night His song shall be with me—
A prayer to the God of my life.

(Psalm 42:7-8)

Please discard if not fitting,

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by Newwine »

Hey Charlie. For your prayerful consideration and to add to the wonderful offerings already given.

Seems Chris is significant. He may be literal, symbolic, or both. If the Lord is also trying to relate something through this Chris character it may help to ask your husband how he sees / relates things to Chris. Sometimes there is significance in the name too.

The boy may speak of something still in immaturity stage which does tend to venture into shallow things instead of maturity that is manifested in fruits of the Spirit. Putting childish things away has been something close to my heart too of late as I see a need for it all around.

It may be that the shark represents the Spiritual atmosphere and your husband will be amazed at how shallow things / others become. It appears that he is trying to save this child, which may speak of the vision of the home group, but it is not hearing. I suspect a deeper heart connection may be missing.

I find Charlie that we can find more common ground in the deep. Know what I mean? I can elaborate if you need me too.

Sounds like hubby is now looking to track the problem but finds it to no avail and the shark takes the boy into the deep waters.

Reminds me of how at times we can focus more on the spiritual problem, which does need attention too, but may miss those matters of the deep, as in deeper things of the heart.

Here is an example that I may have used here somewhere already, or maybe it was the egroup. Anyway, me and this sister in the Lord not long ago didn't see eye to eye on a minister but I felt that at heart we were grieving for the same thing, the condition of the body of Christ.

We could have remained in the shallow surface waters which would probably bring more tension and problems, or we can unite more closely in the deeper waters of grieving for the body.

Overall, sounds like you all may have some type of home group going where the vision may still be in the growth stage. It appears that there is the threat of it being swallowed by remaining in more shallow waters. Go deep. Go deep with the Lord.

For your prayerful consideration. Feel free to toss what may not fit.
Love in Him,
Enjoy the journey
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Post by naveah »


Prayfully consider

The home group is a group about following Christ.
In the shallow water the shark can devour Wondering if your group needs to go into the deep things of God. In the shallow Christians arent hearing what God is saying the enemy is blocking and devouring them Raise the alarm I think that is a sound could be prayer prasie trumpet or simply a word to encourage other Christians and defeat the shark the shark not found in the deep because God's deep calls unto deep

Deep calls to Deep
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Post by keilani »

i can't remember, is your husband a pastor or a shepherd of some sort?

chris--bearer of Christ (or generically, I'd say Christians in general is who Chris represents).

shark=lion=devourer=our enemy

shallow waters--exactly what naveah said.
in general, youngsters stay in the shallow water UNDER parent's supervision until they are capable (equipped) to go out on their own.

your husband and you--the parents, shepherds, covering not just in pryer but in counsel/teaching. Just like parents in the natural must teach their children about the dangers in life, so too we must teach young believers about how to be on their guard spiritually. As parents--I think of Paul in his letters or epistles--we must teach AND pray for our children.

We as the Body always mourn when someone is ensnared by the evil ones plans. I do wonder if you've been called to pastor in some capacity since the meeting is in your home....
***More To Come***

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Post by charlie »

Thanks for all your input...much to ponder on...we're thinking it is a call to intercession type dream for chris...

In fact Chris is a young christian who accepted Christ a few months ago on an alpha course hubs and I were running...following a word of knowledge hubs had for him along the lines of his having an orphan spirit...turns out he was abandoned by his father as a young child...

Still praying into the precise significance of this dream as he could be the young child in danger but he also has a son around that age and his wife has also just left him so could be a general call for intercession...

Thanks again...
Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3