military planes, buildings, explosions!!!

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military planes, buildings, explosions!!!

Post by Yolanda »

Shalom! Last night's dream was never-ending! Some was in bits, but the part I am about to post is what sticks with me... awaiting your prayerful responses! :)

I was in a room which seemed to be just off of the sanctuary. Someone came in and told me that an Army sergeant we all knew just got commissioned by one of the officers. I was surprised to hear that and did not know why it was being done in the sanctuary, especially by that person (who was not a pastor). Then I told the person, "Well, there is spiritual and natural commissioning". I walked into another room and the officer was sitting in there. There was a huge window off to my right and I remember seeing a bright red flash through the window. For some reason it did not draw my attention enough for me to check it out. She began to ask me where one of my friends was and I told her that she had been hanging around the wrong friends and they had drawn her away from the church. Then the sky outside grew very dark and the officer said, "Did you see that?!?" I looked out and it was very dark. I then looked up into the sky (which was blue) and saw a military aircraft in the sky. It seemed to be dipping down as though it were about to crash. (Somehow at this point I knew I was in or around the White House/Pentagon). At the time it started dipping, I heard a radio commentary talking about the "biggest military plane that had been hit" or something like that. The aircraft crashed into the lawn of the building beside us and skidded into that building (which I perceived to be the Pentagon). It looked like a black Stealth aircraft. When it hit the building it exploded and since our building was only about 20-30 feet away, I knew the impact would hit our building too. I dove in the opposite direction to try and avoid the impact, assuming I was going to die. Both buildings exploded.

The scene changes and I am lying outside on the grass. I looked up into the blue sky and saw HUGE, sharp pieces of metal debris (shiny and dark gray, almost black) falling toward me. They were probably 15-20 feet long and about 2 or more feet in diameter. I watched them fall and rolled out of their way once I saw where they were going to hit. I heard them make a "THUNK" sound when they stuck into the ground. They began to fall faster and more frequent, and I eventually just turned onto my side and covered my face so that I would not see myself get hit. Then the debris turned into bullets falling from the sky like raindrops! I got up and began to run. I was trying to keep moving so that the bullets would not hit me. At this point it was like I was in some type of war training. I saw many soldiers in uniforms with weapons pointed at one another. I strategically ran through as they were firing upon one another. I know I got hit a few times but I did not die.

The scene changes and I am telling one of my friends about the dream. I explain the entire dream to her in detail, especially the part about the falling debris. It was then that I woke up.

Growing Daily,
Yolanda :)
Yolanda 8)
Psalm 150:6 - Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!