locker room, no clothes, running, snakes, wispering.

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locker room, no clothes, running, snakes, wispering.

Post by allforHim »

my daughter just had this dream a short bit ago:

she is in 3rd person...she sees, but isn't a participant. 2 unknown people are running around in a locker room - lots of lockers - they are laughing. she understands that they are naked but only sees the color peach for them. there are 2 snakes following behind them: 1 all black w/red stripe down from head to tail; other is yellow with either black or red stripe, or both from head to tail.

she begins to call out to the running people and the snakes turn towards her...she believes maybe she was warning them about snakes.

she is waking up and she feels like she is being vacuumed into the room. she opens her eyes to see black blotchy spots appear/disappear and reappear in her bedroom. she hears wispering over her head. she begins to pray but feels frozen in her speach tho she can move her mouth a little. finally gets out the words for Jesus to remove the "garbage", gets up to tell me and here I am.
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Post by bjcollin »

Neat dream. Dreams in the 3rd person are usually not about the dreamer although sometimes they are, they are usually about others or about an outside situation. The locker room is a place of storage and a place of preparation for exercise. The lockers in a locker room usually store gym clothes which are used in exercise or they store your regular clothes while you are exercising or they store personal exercise equipment. These two people shown are happy, laughing, they are being open and transparent (tasteful nakedness), they are in a time of preparation for being used by God, and they are unaware of the enemy that is stalking them. There are two different lies of the enemy or spirits or that are stalking these two people that seem to be a spirit of fear (yellow with red or black stripe) and a spirit of witchcraft or possibly spirit of death (black w red stripe). The daughter that is dreaming this about these two people feels the need to warn and to tell these two people about the enemy that is stalking them. To me is the job of a watchman (ref Ezekiel 3:16-21) and is one of the main jobs of a prophet or a person who is prophetically gifted. Because of her trying to warn the others, the enemy then starts to turn on her and when she is waking from the dream the enemy trys to attack her which causes her to call out to the Lord Jesus for help.

Questions I have about the dream... How old is the daughter having this dream? What else did she notice about the two people in the dream? ie were the two people the same age as her or did she feel she might know them? Was the locker room familiar to her? ie is it a locker room at her school or somewhere else she knows?

So in short I believe the main message of this dream is that your daughter is being prepared by the Lord to be used prophetically (watchman) and the enemy is trying to prevent her from starting to walk into and to start to exercise that gifting. Calling on Jesus to help and guide her is the only way to do this. Hope this helps.

in Christ,
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Post by allforHim »

thank you BJ...

my daughter is 17. She is unfamiliar with location of locker room but remembers a ton of lockers and the benches between rows of lockers. Not sure of age of people, if male & female, both male or both female.

I took her thru the lists of Colors, Actions, People, etc thru this site with understanding that the definitions based on scripture are generalizations and things that stuck out to her immediately was: Sarcasm, lies of the enemy, sin, rebellion.

She hasn't been reading her bible lately nor truly living a fully devoted faith-walk. She has been teetering herself with respect issues with me, mouthing off to me, etc. Surely typical teenage stuff, but she admits she gets out of hand. I mean yes, she totally believes in Christ, but struggles to live a sold out life for him in public and somewhat at home. I'm sure most teens have that issue, but when you add all the factors together, which I spoke to her about just after the dream...she admits she is finding herself without the armor of Christ hence not being able to Fully Call out to Jesus verbally in this dream.

As I advised her, always apply the dream to yourself first; is there any truth in it which applies to you? Are you running around unaware and unclothed having a good old time? Are you in 3rd person looking at yourself with others and don't even recognize that this could be how you are truly behaving? Would you say that others see you running around naked like you just witnessed? And once you've witnessed it, the enemy comes to attack you instead of just following because the enemy waits for an opportune time to attack...could this be possible?

If not, then move on from that and immediately begin daily to 1- open your bible and read, read, read...2- pray for it to stick and 3- ask for revelation for it to start making sense to apply it to everyday life and finally 4- ask for revelation of this dream...who should you be praying for? anyone specific or are you intercessing?

Now in times past, she has had very vivid dreams, awaken from them and have had encounters of the enemy trying to visually-verbally scare her out of her wits. This occured again after this dream, but she is more mature now and understands things spiritually far better than she did even 2 or 3 years ago. I know she has eyes to see and ears to hear...but the enemy hasn't bugged her in quite a something's up...

My husband believes it is directed towards her. I can see it being applied to her currently as well as some things you've said too.

My questions/thots are - why are the people running around naked when the gear to be fully dressed is there and why playing a game in the locker room (naked)...that's not where you play tag. A locker room is a place of preparation or readiness, cleansing and completion. Is there an open door that the snakes came thru? Why were there others wispering about the naked, laughing, running around people?

Still praying about this. I may sound more...shall I say pessamistic...probably due to alot of stress in our household, spiritually speaking with my teens. Definitely got a mixed bag here! So sorry this sounds loopy, it is late for me and must head off to bed now.