Two Car Wreck Dreams back to back

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Two Car Wreck Dreams back to back

Post by victoriousone »

Okay these are too real to ignore. I have had two dreams in the past week.
The first was where my husband took my car to pick up the kids from school. It seemed to be awhile and I began to walk outside and saw my oldest boy standing next to a tree. I asked what are you doing? Where is your dad? He said I need your insurance card. I asked why? He said well dad sorta got in a wreck. Next thing I know he *my husband drive up in his rig towing my car which I bought a year or so ago brand new. IT was literally TOTALLED. The tires were shot, rims bent and looked like it had been rolled over. He had my kids in the car when he pulled up. I kept asking how did you total my car. He kept saying he was just in a fender bender.. I received an estimate of damage 18 thousand and some odd dollars....
next dream I am in the passenger seat and my husband is driving my car and my littlest boy is in the back seat and we were chit chatting when we saw something fall from the sky and we no more and were wondering what that was when the road -bridge flew up in front of us and we went over the edge and I woke up during the fall to the water...
Any help anyone has is always appreciated. Thanks,
Victorious One
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Post by Hannah »

Ok not sure if any of this will fit, but two things came up in me. One, be certain everything is in good working order with your vehicle. Two , maybe a warning of some unforeseen expense or perhaps a purchase or investment that will crash or not fair well? Maybe it's something you have been considering, but God is warning you not to go that direction.

I don't know. It's not a very clear Interpretation. Perhaps someone else will be more helpful. God bless!
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Post by Hannah »

Ok not sure if any of this will fit, but two things came up in me. One, be certain everything is in good working order with your vehicle. Two , maybe a warning of some unforeseen expense or perhaps a purchase or investment that will crash or not fair well? Maybe it's something you have been considering, but God is warning you not to go that direction.

I don't know. It's not a very clear Interpretation. Perhaps someone else will be more helpful. God bless!
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Post by spoken4 »

Greetings Victorious one!!

This is what I felt when reading this dream....
I feel God is speaking to you concerning someone who is in a position of leadership or authority over your family. (The one behind the wheel of what has been given to you) Your children are your gifts from God! You have been given the vehicle, or means, to lead them in the way they should go. Someone that you are in covenant relationship with has taken over that role, given you, as the one to lead and direct your children. (taking them to school) This has put your children, particularly, your oldest one in a position, to be crying out to you from a position familiar to the family tree...this for you to provide insurance (protection and reimbursement for damage done) due to what this leader has done.

It seems this one thinks the damage that has been done while he has been "behind the wheel" is not any big deal. Perhaps, he does not realize his actions have put your children at risk, as well as hindering your ability to lead them, as well??
God seems to be giving you clear discernment, as to the serious of the damage that has been done and its your oldest son who is crying out for you to make a claim....that will give him justice...and reimbursment for the damages done....
The amount of damage done.....18,000..........
The second part seems to mirror the first part as well....perhaps a warning that it is dangerous for this one to be in a position to lead you as well....perhaps its a warning of judgment or justice for your children??

I know that this is heavy stuff and I am praying for you and that God will make it clear to you!! Pleases trash all that does not bear witness in your spirit!! God bless you!!

More info on the number 18

Eighteen : 18 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to things that deals with bondage, slavery, captivity and serfdom
The primary significance of the Number 18 is Life - but there is none that lives and sinneth not, so we find the concepts of Life and Sin/Death inextricably intertwined.

It says related #s are 23 and 414
This reminded me of the dream you had in the past about 23....

Matthew 18 came to mind also....
Causing to Stumble

6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! 8 If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.
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You are GOOD!!

Post by victoriousone »

Everything you stated was ON TARGET for what I have been dealing with. I am not sure what to do with the info or what that means for me. Thank you for taking the time to help me see what God meant for me to see. I happened to show this to my oldest son whom has been going to Youth Group and last Wednesday they were sent home with one to do item "Listen To God" My son was surprised at how on target my dream was for our current situation here. It opened up a conversation between me and my two older boys about how God works. It was pretty good because they were both interested in everything I said. Thanks for your help.
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Post by spoken4 »

I pray that God will give you clear direction in how to apply what He is revealing.

For me, I often will "pray the dream". I will take the insight I feel God is giving me and as I pray about it....I will often get more revelation than I started with. Many times with warning dreams like brings great peace to know I have covered it in prayer.

When I first was told to pray my dreams...I did not understand that. Examples helped me....

This is my prayer for you concerning the revelation in this dream.

Father, I thank you for speaking to "Victorious one" through this dream. I thank you for granting her discernment to see damage that has been done....even when her concern is not validated by the one responsible. I thank you for allowing her to see this situation as you see it. I thank you for revealing her sons heart cry. I thank you for revealing to her the need for this one to see validation that she has him "covered". I thank you for helping her to be super sensitive to your spirit, as in this dream. I thank you for
revealing that because of this ones leading, there may be damages that are due to her. I thank you that you are her "insurance"...and you give full coverage with all benefits to your children! God help her to understand that you know best the price that will be required to bring retribution and justice for what has happened. I ask that you lead her in the position that she needs to be in at this time. I thank you that you are the only just judge. I thank you that she has a case pending that requires justice be granted for her and her children. I thank you for giving her peace that passes understanding through this situation. I pray that you will hide her and her children, from any devastating affects that may come to this one as a result of their own actions. I pray that she will not fall, alongside of this one I pray that while her son may have come to end up in a position that mirrors the family tree due to the behavior of this leader....I thank you, Father for revealing to her that she has what it takes to see that position changed!! Thank you that she has this power to make a claim, and see that Justice will be served because you are her insurance!! Thank you God for your direction in the night. I pray that you will grant her wisdom from your throne room to apply that direction in her day to day life. I ask that you continue to give her direction that she and her family will be covered and protected and every generational cycle broken....every blind spot removed in Jesus name!!! Amen!!

Bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by spoken4 »

This really helped me

Its "keys to obtaining Gods Justice by John Paul Jackson ... cts_id=851
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John Paul

Post by victoriousone »

I have that DVD and watched it awhile back also have the one where he talks about the up and coming hardship of 2012 and how God will position us in such a way that we will be protected. Thank you for recommending that. I have had my nose in books allot lately. When I awoke from my second dream I knew what I had to do and that was to stand firm on what I knew to be true that he was causing damage and I had every right to stand up and protect my kids from further damage. I told him that things needed to change or I would have to make a choice to ask him to leave because we can't keep going in circles. The biggest thing that stuck out in your first message is the comment about thinking he hadn't caused harm. When I first talked with my husband about giving him some time to turn in the right direction he said to me " I just don't think its that bad" . I showed your first message because I wanted to show him that God cares about every one of us. He took the first part as God telling me to leave him. That is why I was confused about what it all meant. I didn't see it like that at first. However, I know that it still stands if there is no change in behavior I have to walk away from this one because my kids deserve me and good things not the added rough negative they get from him often. My husband promised me after reading "Lost in Translation" that he understood now how bad his treatment is and why our relationship has suffered as a result of his actions. I hope for the best on this one. No one ever wakes up and says today I want to divorce my husband. I want my family work together but if one keeps hurting the others it isn't healthy. So I thank you again for all of your help. You are definitely in touch with God in your own way and it is wonderful that this board exists to help us out when we need it. :P
Victorious One