I keep returning and pastoring the same church again

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I keep returning and pastoring the same church again

Post by jeff »


Had an interesting dream the other night. I dreamed that I pastored the first church that was my first sr. pastorate, Angoon, Ak, then I took a church in Juneau that was called "Chicago" went back to pastor Angoon again, went back to the church in Juneau, then went back to Angoon a 3rd time.

Any ideas on this one?


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Post by HisBlood »

Maybe something from that time was left unfinished in your heart, not
necessarily that you would return, again! Possibly a connection between them?

Also while checking, Angoon is an islette (connecting two pieces of land). maybe you are to connect churches, becoming the islette? Just a thought! You have always flowed as an Apostle
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Post by bjcollin »


Respectfully, when I was reading your dreams I was hearing this verse from Revelation that was given to the church in Ephesus:

Revelation 2:4-5 "... You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. ..."

Eventhough in context this verse was originally given as a rebuke to that church, I did not take it that way in this context when I first heard it and I believe that you should not take it that way either. Get my heart here, I was hearing the partial phrase "return to doing the things you did at first". I personally believe that you need to feel out the need to return to being first and foremost a pastor and getting more into building the kingdom in the areas God has really gifted you in and called you to do within the church. Hope this helps. God Bless you and your ministry.

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Post by MJ »


I also sensed God is prompting you to work out something in your past. It will free you to walk in newness for something ahead in your journey.

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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Greetings Jeff,

There are many good responses to pray about...

Could it mean also that you feel you have to keep going back to the start, preaching the same message over and over... perhaps that you feel others are not learning or growing as they should and therefore are staying on the milk.

It may also reflect that you keep resorting back to the milk and are having trouble getting to the meatier substance of the Word.

Perhaps you need to just place the flock in His Hands and take leaps of faith... and what follows will come natural when you are following Him, rather than looking at others which is also similar to learning a prior lesson to move on to bigger lessons. :)

May God bless works and may you prosper mightily in Spirit and Truth in Him!!
With love in Christ,

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Post by jeff »


Thank you all for the responses.

Brian, I think you're really hitting on things here, but in reverse order. I came into the ministry through music, I've always been a musician first, pastor second, the reverse order of what you're saying. Strangely, what I've been doing the past several years has been pastor first, musician second.

I know that goes opposite what you were saying, but it makes more sense in the context of what you were saying. "Return to what you did at the first" would then for me be a return to a much greater focus on the musical and worship elements of the ministry. In Angoon I recorded several Cd's and wrote many worship songs which were performed by several worship bands internationally.

Would that go along the lines you're speaking of?

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Post by ditte3 »

HisBlood wrote:Maybe something from that time was left unfinished in your heart, not
necessarily that you would return, again! Possibly a connection between them?

Also while checking, Angoon is an islette (connecting two pieces of land). maybe you are to connect churches, becoming the islette? Just a thought! You have always flowed as an Apostle
I had a similar thought that maybe something is left unfifnished.
please toss it if it's not what the Lord tells you.

God bless you.
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Post by jeff »

Yes, I would agree. Music is the "unfinished business" in my heart, life and calling. Something I was so heavily involved in ministry-wise at the beginning and have let go of in so many ways until very recently.

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Post by HisBlood »


Had something happen that I do not believe to be just coincidence!
My husband's company paid for our food and tickets to the play-off
game where he works. We were watching the game with our boys and
a player from our team was boarded, right in front of us. His shoulders
hit the glass and his name was right there in front of my face, since we
were sitting in the front row - JUNEAU. It is a french name in this area!
I knew it had to do with this dream, though! So, I looked up the name
and found out it means - young in the masculine, Queen of heaven in
the feminine

Also, part of the name stood out to me - JUNE! This could be a time
frame for you, in the natural and spiritual? I have as I have told you
before seen an Apostolic mantle on you, also! So, it could be that you
will bring these two areas Apostolic/Music, together in ministry and
this will come to fullness in June, moving out into this? Returning to
your first loves? I am also reminded of what Angoon means - An
Islette connecting 2.....
going back to Angoon 3x's (witness). Promised land

Maybe take what you received from HIM in those places and refresh
that vision.......Stepping out into your promised lands!

Just some additional thoughts, for you
Last edited by HisBlood on Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HisBlood »

P.S -
....moving from land to land! Go ye into all the world!
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Post by bjcollin »


I guess I only knew that you were a pastor at that time and didn't know your musical backgound then except for your guitar work and your wifes druming work which I thought was used just in a local church p&w capacity... so I guess I assumed for the dream that it meant that you were returning to pastoring... maybe I do have it backwards and maybe it does mean to pour yourself into music and worship. At any rate, IMHO having a musical pastor is always a good thing and the dream could have a dual meaning in that regards as well. Of course I know you will work it out and God is always faithful to lead us in more than one avenue in His Grace. God Bless you and I can't wait to listen to your CD.

in Christ,