Trying To Get Me To Leave My Church

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Trying To Get Me To Leave My Church

Post by zadokpriest »

Ok - this dream seems to be connected with the other in that the theme is the same.

Someone trying to get me to do something that I do not believe in my spirit is the best thing for me.

In this dream I am working with a family - I love them very deeply, most are men but they have a spirit in their house and seem to be contending with demons.

I spend much time help and praying for them - as a result we have developed a bond between us where they see me as their sister and they truly are protective of me and genuine love me as family.

In the dream I run into an old friend who begins to prophesy over me and tell me that God is going to use me in very mighty.

The prophesy encourages me and blesses me. She and I exchange numbers as we both want to stay in contact with one another.

She tells me that she believes I should start my own ministry, I told her that I don't feel comfortable with that as I am afraid.

I don't believe I have anything to share that people will want to hear and i really did not want to start a ministry without a husband.

Then the dream switches and either it is her or someone else asking me about the family that I help. Trying to convince me that I should go to their church. I told them that I help out their church and I know God has called me to help them but God has not called me to leave my own church.

End of Dream

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Post by jeff »

Hi Monique;

The following part of the dream reall sticks out to me.
In the dream I run into an old friend who begins to prophesy over me and tell me that God is going to use me in very mighty.

The prophesy encourages me and blesses me. She and I exchange numbers as we both want to stay in contact with one another.

She tells me that she believes I should start my own ministry, I told her that I don't feel comfortable with that as I am afraid.

I don't believe I have anything to share that people will want to hear and i really did not want to start a ministry without a husband.
Some thoughts:

I'm wondering if this isn't a confirmation of a call to ministry that you're not stepping into as of yet as a result of fears and preconcived ideas. In the dream you reveal both of them.

1. You're not comfortable with the idea and afraid.
Having been in ministry for nearly 20 years now, I can attest that more than likely you will always be uncomfortable and battling fear.

2. You believe that a woman must have a husband to start/enter ministry.
This is taught as Gospel in many Christian circles, but is a cultural, not a Biblical mandate.

Galatians 3:28 NKJV
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Hope this helps,

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Post by zadokpriest »

Pastor Jeff

Thank you very, very much.

Zadok :D