2 Churches Ajoining!!

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2 Churches Ajoining!!

Post by DanceInadvance »

Dream begins; My husband & I were on the road driving. It was late at night, it felt as though it was up in the middle of the night. We drove down a big hill into what seemed to be a valley, & then the dream shifted into where I was walking into a church. The lighting was really bright fluorescent lights. The building had lots of chairs But no one was in it. The church building gave the feeling to be cold & uninviting. I had a thought hit my mind "we have been here before", & then my husband came into the building from behind me & said without using words communicated to me "yes we have". But I still couldn't put together where we were or what the name of the church was. At that moment My husband & I turned around. I then saw was standing on a platform(in a different building) & all these people started coming in getting ready for worship. I was up on the platform watching it all take place. It was a big choir getting ready for something big to happen. Then I began to look around the church building, it seemed to be deep pleasant with lots of seating. It gave a very warm feeling. During the dream I could see these two buildings were adjoined together but yet they were two different defined  places. The wall adjoining them had a portion that was transparent wall that adjoined the two together. The first church building was very starch cold with no one in it. The second church building that I was standing in was very inviting with things happening people all around. Then I was off the platform standing next to my husband & we felt a Great Excitement stirring inside us. Without even saying the words we read each others minds we both were saying," this is it.... This is it, this is the place... This is it, this is the place" with a Great Overwhelming joy. As we were stand off watching things happening of all that was taking place before our eyes a Huge line of children came marching into the church in a line formation singing, clapping & dancing. The feeling there was that of Great joy & Excitement. We then further read each others minds saying How amazed at what God was doing. We began to weep at the amazement of all that was happening. & Then I awoke as though it all really took place. My heart was pounding & I felt like weeping with amazement at what God was doing. 

Please share any insight as felt lead. Thnx!
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cool dream

Post by spiritledd »

cool dream ...brought tears to my eyes ...i am thinkin maybe this is really gonna happen ...i mean the Lord could be planning on using you more than you know, in your future

...it looks & sounds like REVIVAL!!!! :D
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A Warrior's Heart
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

I am Believing that this is in relation to your ministry or a ministry that the Lord desires for you and your husband to be leaders of. The adjoining wall really showcases the contrasts of these two places. The first church building was a place where emptiness is. There were empty chairs there and these chairs could be a symbol of want the Lord want to do (FILL THEM!)

I'm praising God for the roles that the Lord has called you and your husband to be forerunners of. Whatever this dream speaks of, it certainly looks like a great move of God.
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Post by Truth Seeker »

Does the 2 buildings (churches) describe either of you currently in real live. Are both of you excited about what God is doing at this time in your lives? Do these buildings represent how you'll are currently filling about the church you attend in real life?
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Post by imavessel »

Wow this hit me for a totally different reason, ands in my mind I could see it as I read.

God has me working on a project. I have known about a year about part but not all until last week. & My guess, I still don't know all. :)

Anyway, originally I was to prepare 3 songs. I was also to take pictures of various ministries/people doing what GOd has them doing. The bread ministry I do, people that feed the hungry and ones who do shelters and one that has a small grcocery store- specifically geared for the low income, etc. That there would be a video of these pics. & I knew I was singing and I knew I was also told to "Be prepared to speak". On that part though, didn't have a clue what about, just that there would probably be moments between stuff that allowed for it. & Didn't really know "what".

For this task I practiced various songs, a couple that stuck and I took some pictures and I was already scheduled to get music recorded with some friends of mine at my brother's church. (the friend, a pastor & his praise band that I previously served with when he was praise and worship leader at a church I attended for over 7 years)

Anyway, for 5 days last week God kept giving me pictures in my mind over and over and over again . . . it was like running video---

But in it, it was not just me,. . . . but appeared that last song was folks from two different churches, possibly three, all taking part of the song. It was as if I could see it and hear it------ all done to a particular song, which by the way, became the 3rd and final song----of the three I was to ready------just last week.


Along with all the running video . . . . He made me know what it was all about. It was 1) being the hands and feet of God . . . and 2) His body being in unity.

& Now I laugh, cause we will never be able to do a video etc. like this unless someone unifies!

Anyway, the one part caught me, . . . about having been there befrore---- and about it looking a little open and cold with alot of chairs . . . .

The pastor who is helping me get the music recorded ---their church ismoving to a much bigger building. BUT . . . IT is one he was in before, with a previous ministry (same one I was in before also). & He already jokes how his church is called Second Chance Ministry - - - and he will be in the building a 2nd time.

More than that, the original pastor I was under for over 7 years, I still deliver bread to. & I talked to him Saturday about the project and how I felt he and his people there were to be part of it. & He said "Let's do it!"


Goal is by Easter. Alot needs done before then. But, in essence, it will give me what God is sending me out with . . .

& It will involve 2 to 3 churches, all doing part ------ and unifying for one goal.

I was so excited by the end of last week I could hardly stand it.

Now about to buy my own microphone etc. to kick up practicing. Getting more pics and meeting with all of them about what the vision is.

I know it's God.

I guarantee you--------------------it's not me.

But if I had any doubt or hadn't already had comfirmation, . . . two days ago showing another building to a totally differnet pastor, we were just talking and I said something about knowing a lot of people, including many of the people of this town. & How I was again "visiting". & He stopped me right there and said, "Yes. The Lord just said you have been visiting, . . . but now He's going to send you out ministering." & I said, "Well, if I hadn't already had it confirmed, I would say now that I had" & I told him about the project. & He and I both marveled at the way God works.

When I read your dream, it felt like what is going on here, literally.

Really cool. :)

Funny how you don;t really have to look too hard at all. . . .to see God everywhere!
God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)