Vision Sunday Afternoon

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Vision Sunday Afternoon

Post by jeff »

I had the following vision yesterday afternoon:

I was walking up a hill by the Sea of Galilee. I have been here before in vision but this time there was a house with a deck there. It wasn't a huge house, but was very modern and had a large deck on the side facing Galilee. I wondered to myself "What is that doing there?" As I wondered that, I heard Jesus call to me from the deck, "Come up here." I replied, "Ok, but it is going to take me a while" because I was a ways away still. I began to walk and then it was communicated to me I could come up there right now, so I did. Amazingly, I was instantly on a white chaise lounge next to Jesus and I greeted Him. He asked me "Do you know what I want to do?" I asked Him "What do You want to do (because I had no clue what He wanted to do)" and He replied "I want to build a mansion here." He then got up and began to walk and I followed Him. As He walked, creation flowed, and He was making a library, the most massive, ancient library. I could not see the tops of the towering shelves, all filled with ancient wisdom, the very knowledge of God. After a while of this, I was ready to "make" something else, another room and as I though this (and even tried to make it happen in the vision) Jesus stopped, looked back at me as a parent would a child and then continued walking and creating this library. The vision ended shortly thereafter as Jesus continued to walk and create.

Amazing experience, any insights?

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Post by ditte3 »

These may be my own thoughts. If it's not what the Lord tells you, please toss it.
Maybe it means theimportance of goingback to the teachings and miracles of Jesus. Also the huge library may mean how it is the most important for us christians to love and know the Word of God (Bible meaning books, scriptures).
Please pray about it.
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Post by bella »

Hi Jeff,

First a question. When you thought about making a room, and Jesus looked at you, was it a 'what are you doing?' kind of look. Were you encroaching on his business? or was it ok?

About the vision, for a second I thought it may be about Jesus return, because of the location. But more likely, I think it's about how - you know over the years, there have been more and more revelations of Who God is, e.g. Martin Luther's theses on grace vs works etc - that God's about to outpour another bout of knowledge of Himself.

(I suspect it's going to be about His true nature - for too long, the church has had a mindset about God, but I still don't think it's quite right).

Cool vision. 8)
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Post by Four Years »

blessings Jeff

how does a "Vision" of a PLACE begin? can it really be considered a vision if your in another place?

visions i'm familiar the Bible and here, it's always an object or person

what were you up to before the vision? were you praying? i'd just like to know how such a thing would occur.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Jeff what keeps jumping out at me is creative works. For He is the Master Creator. Just like a small child mimicking a parent or a child inheriting a skill of a parent; we too do this or need to this. When we are creative, we are becoming more like Him and lookk Him. So I believe this is about creative works. In context of your vision He is creating an ancient library. A library is a place of learning, gaining wisdom, and a place of research. So perhaps you are directed to "build" upon knowledge to pass it on to others. Are you a teacher or minister by chance? Another thought is coming into a superabundance of wisdom from above. Perhaps, He gave you a look into His library so you can go there in their Spirit to obtain wisdom. Much in the way if someone would dream of going to the Storehouse; meaning an individual is about to come into a provision of sorts. Just some thoughts for ypur consideration.
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Post by jeff »

Thank you all for your perspectives and input, it is greatly appreciated.

Four Years;

Many of the prophets in scripture when attempting to describe what they are seeing say "and I looked..." or something similiar. I have found that when I allow God to "open the eyes of my heart" as Paul prayed that I see often. I ask God to open the eyes of my heart and then I look in the Spirit, that's how it works. What I see is what God places in front of me to look upon. Make sense?

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Post by Warrior Princess »

I had a dream recently of a guy sitting on a chaise lounge. Interesting.

Lots of people on this board are having new season dreams. I think that's what your vision is about also.

So what I'm getting is that he is saying no more waiting for's your time now. Time to ascend, time for promotion. He's going to give you the revelation on "the vision" for this new season. You're doing what you see him doing, a true son.

Hmmm...makes me think the sons of God are manifesting.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Four Years,

Typically a vision for me is usually like a dream while I'm awake...a daydream.

Other times it's more dramatic, like I actually see things in the spiritual realm superimposed in the natural realm. Hard to explain unless you've experienced it, but you know when you see it.
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Post by HisBlood »

This is awesome PJ
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Thought you might find this interesting and maybe might help...

Was talking to a friend of mine who is a Sephardic Jew about the Lord on the chaise lounge reference since I had that in my dream also. She said in Middle Eastern and Biblical context, it is "reclining," a reference to "entering his rest." I kept hearing "put your feet up," but I didn't get it until she explained it. LOL She reminded me that it was done with the disciples as well.

I think it ties in with the library/books...a reference to wisdom...building something new, his creative vision.


We're just waiting for it to show up. :)
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Post by jeff »

She said in Middle Eastern and Biblical context, it is "reclining," a reference to "entering his rest."
That is awesome!
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Post by ReBorn »

the part about you seeing the library reminded me of these 2 scriptures:

2 Corinthians 3:2
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody.
(Human Epistles/(books)!- Now that's creative huh!)


John 21:25
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

The part about the mansion reminded me of this scripture:

John 14:2
"In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.

hope that helps

Last edited by ReBorn on Wed May 23, 2012 5:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Four Years »

Warrior Princess wrote:Four Years,

Typically a vision for me is usually like a dream while I'm awake...a daydream.

Other times it's more dramatic, like I actually see things in the spiritual realm superimposed in the natural realm. Hard to explain unless you've experienced it, but you know when you see it.

isn't there a sound or something that lets the person know that it's about to happen?
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Post by ReBorn »

No, for me it always came on suddenly without warning
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by jeff »

Reborn: Thanks

Four Years: No forewarning usually occurs.