Hundreds of gnats

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Hundreds of gnats

Post by antoinette »

All I remember is seeing a lot of gnats around a small door in my house. It was annoying but tolerable. Finally a friend suggested that i open the door and hundreds of gnats came flying out. Usually gnats gather around fruit, but in this case they gathered around a bunch of empty pizza boxes. I opened my front door and kept swooshing and shooing them out. They dissipated but there were a lot of them so it took a while. This one baffles me. Anyone have any thoughts?

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Post by Newbie »

Gnats were the 1st plague that the sorcerers could not replicate. From my understanding each of the plagues displayed was to show the power of God over that of the Egyptian gods. The sorcerers had declared this as the “finger of God” because it could not be reproduced. The gnats had caused a painful irritation. So perhaps here, the gnats in your dream are something that is an irritation to you and something that was eating away at your “fruits”; however, God is opening a door that has been once shut so they can leave. It will take a while because this is a long process; however, it will dissipate. Perhaps the gnats are representative of people that are causing you irritation. Just some thoughts, toss if rubbish.
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Post by BJHarbaugh79 »

perhaps God is opening a door for you to "clean house" of those around you that are being opportunistic of whatever you have to offer.They want to eat away at your spiritual fruit or gifts.They are "pests".
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,and you have been given fullness in Christ,who is the head over EVERY power and authority.
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Post by keilani »

Aloha antoinette! Just some thoughts that came to mind as I read your post: sometimes when we deal with an issue in our lives and repent, we need to stand firm on the Word and the power of the Blood not only to cleanse us but to rid us of every remnant (ie thoughts, memories, guilt) of anything that might try to condemn us or put us in a place of defeat and not victory. When God forgives us, the Word says that He no longer remembers it--the accuser of the brethren is satan and he enjoys keeping us in that place of defeat.
I share that only because the gnats are hovering around left over/empty pizza boxes.

Praying He gives you wisdom and understanding. Shalom!
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