Speed of Light, Sound Barrier, Meteor

Archives for 2013
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Post by Starfire »

No matter what others say, only you know from prayer as the Holy Spirit reveals what the message meant. If you feel sure, then that's what it likely meant Despite various rules and dream books,
what one dream means to one person, depending on context can mean something completely different to someone else. Ex. If I dream of dogs, it will have different meanings depending on 1)if it's my dog 2) if I'm afraid of dogs 3)if I rescue dogs in real life 4) if I'm a veterinarian or animals are somehow my profession 5) and perhaps it is more like a wolf/fox/coyote/etc
Only the dreamer (often with others offering possibilities that the Holy Spirit will affirm to the dreamer) can recognize the true meaning, with rare exception

Thus if you say this is what it is, there is no reason to believe otherwise. Besides regardless if it's about YOU or the church,
it's clear we are in major spiritual battles that will only get worse as the enemy realizes his time is short and we all need to be ready-both in armor (spiritual) for the time we will endure and ready for that trumpet calll, praying continually to be counted worthy to escape the things that are coming upon this earth.

PS. IF it's any consulation, I feel in the depth of my being, to such an extent it is alarming, that we are coming upon something really really big. Add to that the blessings and curses of those who bless or curse Israel and we can know that we are responsible for how our govt' acts with regard to her.
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Post by SpecialK »

Starfire, I agree with everything you said!

I also believe we're coming into something really big. I believe God will show his intercessors first, of the things to come. When He does, I believe what we need to do is pray. Also pray for Israel. Blessings! SpecialK
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Post by Roxy »


No interpretation here. In the last 2 weeks I have seen a meteor 3 times! The 2nd time I seen the meteor, it was red & had flashes of yellow.
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Post by SpecialK »

I believe the Lord is showing you and I about the watchman thing, and or to pray about the situation. To me, it's definitely End-Time events.
Thanks for letting me know, Roxy---to me it's also a confirmation of sorts.