Archived Dreams from 2014
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Posts: 1913
Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:53 pm


Post by spiritledd »

with Theresa 2nd x who died IRL ...pulled over to get oil change was overheated was older silver BMW

guy said we had glass in oil ...then I saw x putting water on engine

i told her stop it, that will crack block

then dude was in car and I was holding gas line, and he started it

it was squirting gas and I had cig in hand I held it behind back

then he started moving car and had to walk beside trying to not get gas on me and pointed it to drain on floor

then all these college kids showed up ...they had clothes with them gave me pants

while I was changing x took off with guy ...I was mad ...she was real bad cheat IRL, so I knew what she was doing

pants were quality and in-between kaki and green ...but then turned to leather with pink writing above rear when I went to put them on

coming out of office where I changed, I was greeted like rock star and a woman from bank IRL was walking behind me and put her finger in a hole in leather saying she wanted me ...I told her no then you would be calling me all the time wanting more ...also I remember seeing engine upside down and Theresa was wrapping wet towels around cylinder heads under the BMW

woke heard... "hold a candle to" and "muddle through"