Speeding up

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Hope in Christ
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Speeding up

Post by Hope in Christ »

My husbands dream.....
My husband and i were in a red toyota tundra, My husband knew Jesus was driving the truck. We were in the back seat, and there was a passenger sitting in the front passenger seat next to Jesus.
We were driving on the hwy in high desert. There it was colorful. It began to snow.It was warm in the truck, my husband reached up and touched the window and said,"its getting cold outside".
The dream then flashed and changed to 2 story buildings with no lights on, it was icy and gray. We were still driving it was still warm in the truck, the road came to a curve to the right, but the truck shimmed to the left, it was quick and straightend up and went straight again but this time the truck speeded up...... This is were the dream ended.

Thank you!
Love Hope
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Re: Speeding up

Post by firewater »

It seems to me there is some symbolism in the dream about a difficult season for you & your husband, perhaps where you are seeing few good reference points in circumstances. If you are not currently in a season like this, the dream may be preparation. If so I would take comfort & encouragement from the dream:
1. No matter what is happening the Lord is in control of your life (driving)
- Anything negative that may have happend or will happen is not your doing. That's the way the world is. (desert, snow, no lights in towers)
- The 2 stories with no lights may be significant, perhaps some lies being spoken about you & your husband
2. You can live in a warm faith environment (warm truck cabin), insulated from the cold & emptiness around you
- It seems your husband is sensing things getting a little tougher externally
- You may need to labour to enter/maintain the rest in Christ
- You did see colourful things even in the desert. Look for the good. It is there. Perspective makes a big difference
3. Turning to the right is positive
- Whilst circumstances may be tough the direction you are going is good (Rom 8:28 also)
4. You will stay on the path the Lord has for you despite changes & challenges
- truck skidding a little as you adjust to the change of direction
5. The road is traight again & truck is speeding up
- Negative external circumstances you may be going through are temporary
- There is light at the end of the tunnel & things can build again, more quickly this time
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Re: Speeding up

Post by Hope in Christ »

Thank you Firewater
That helps bring some clarity into the season i believe we may be entering into. Do not understand the Toyota Tundra, I understand the four wheel drive aspect of it being Gods power, but why a Toyota Tundra? Prehaps that is not so important. Also the 2 story buildings or house's being without power, and the truck shimming and then speeding up.
So that makes a lot of sense to me. Just staying under His wings were its safe and warm then!!!
Thank you agan Firewater, for taking time out to explain what you see.
God Bless you!!
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Re: Speeding up

Post by firewater »

The Tundra may be amphasising the difficult season:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tundra: In physical geography, tundra is type of biome where the tree growth is hindered by low temperatures and short growing seasons. The term tundra comes through Russian тундра from the Kildin Sami word tūndâr "uplands", "treeless mountain tract".[1]

Can you also see anything here that's helpful?
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Re: Speeding up

Post by rarara »

Hi Hope

Just adding to the other excellent thoughts.....

A Toyota Tundra is a pick up truck.

So Jesus has picked you up, not left you and you are going forward with Him.

He has picked you, chosen you.

His ministry to you is the anointing you both need, full of power and wisdom to take you forward. This is the red colour. Also red to me is Love. He has encapsulated you in His Love.

Also you are both inside. Where He does his most awesome work, in your inner being, or from the inside out.

The two buildings may represent man made structures, maybe even churches that have had no source of life for you.

As you journey with Him you leave them behind. You leave the desert behind too and some of the good stuff.

Also when you described the shimmying to the left then going straight and accelerating it speaks to me of Him being an excellent driver. When the moment is right He will accelerate you forward. So hang on to your seats!

Maybe the passenger is the Holy Spirit , like the co driver, He is the Help and the Comforter and the Source of Power.

The acceleration in the dream is a picture of His power to keep moving you forward and out of certain circumstances.

Also being in the back seat just reminded me of kids. Maybe you should ask Him, are we there yet? :s61:

Acceleration can also be like a season.

When it happens you will know that it is totally God.

Love to you both, may His perfect love surround you,

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Re: Speeding up

Post by Hope in Christ »

I love you rarara. You have so encouraged my heart you have no idea. Thank you dear lady. God bless you and protect you and yours. And thank you all who have helped us, this is such a broken season and it is your love and encouragement in Him that keep our heads above the water. You are right rarara it is in these darkest times He is sifting us and showing us it is only His gift of grace. My heart is so broken but His promise is He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Thank you again so much for your loving encouragement. And we may be asking for you precious prayers again. In His Grace, and through His Blood.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.❤