Is a date always a date?

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Is a date always a date?

Post by ladyjanegrey »

One of my recent dreams had a map with a tiny island on it. Out next to the island on the map were the words "Mini - 6-8-16."

My question is this - are dates to be interpreted as actual dates? Or a scripture reference? Or do the individual numbers have meaning?

(The overall theme of the dream was about a short season. The interpretation of the island that the Lord gave me was that it represented a season of isolation, but that it was short).
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Re: Is a date always a date?

Post by keilani »

Shalom and welcome ladyjane :D

Yes and no lol. And I know that probably doesn't help but I have found that God infrequently talks in ways that we can say we have a handle on it 100% every time. So while I think you may be on track with what you're thinking, I have found that through the dreams and visions He gives us, He is not always after us just getting the interpretaion. I have learned that He wants us to enjoy the journey with Him. He is more about revealing Himself to us through the process; teaching us to recognize His voice, His leading, when He is speaking and the different ways through which He speaks. This is why dreams from Him cannot be interpreted by simply using a Christian Dream Dictionary alone. He can interpret through it; but the dreams He gives to us cannot be interpreted apart from Holy Spirit.

During the times when I feel He has given me a specific date or time period, I journal it/mark it on my calendar and then make a note to go back on that date.

I WILL say that when I was first began journaling and practicing hearing His Voice in 2008, I wrote down an event I felt I heard would happen in 3 days. Well, three days came and went and when I went back to that word, I discouragedly wrote that I missed Him. In that moment, I unmistakably heard Holy Spirit say: No, you didn't. That caught me off guard and confused me because here, three days came and went and nothing happened.

And as I'm writing this to you, He is giving me revelation: Jesus said destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. Those around Him assumed He meant the physical temple; only those with ears to hear would have understood that He meant His Physical Body. I just received the revelation that the "three days" Holy Spirit meant was the process of death and resurrection that would happen in me and my spiritual walk before the THING He said would come to pass would actually manifest. That process has taken 7 years and that Thing He said would happen is only now in the beginning stages of coming to pass.

I apologize if this seems to be a roundabout way of answering your question, but you will most likely find (as others here have found) that as you share with others, He gives more revelation. I think it's a beautiful picture of the Body working together and the fact that we are all connected in Him. So my growth, encourages your growth and your growth fuels my growth and together we grow as a Body into His Headship.

Praying He gives you insight and understanding. And just as an aside, I will usually journal dreams/visions etc and put it aside. When it comes back to mind and stays there, I have learned He is wanting me to re-visit it so He can bring more revelation.

Enjoy your journey! We are so glad you have joined us~
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Re: Is a date always a date?

Post by ladyjanegrey »

Thank you, Keilani!

I think we got the answer yesterday. Puzzle pieces are fitting together! My husband had a dream, which led him to a MAJOR breakthrough yesterday, and in the midst of that breakthrough, the Lord reminded him that that was the date of his salvation (6-8) when he was 5...and the Lord spoke to him in a huge way regarding his calling yesterday. 6-8-16 will be the 40th anniversary of his new life in Christ!

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Re: Is a date always a date?

Post by keilani »

Awesome!! I love how God talks to us, He is such an AWE-INSPIRING Father! Excited to see what else He has in store for you all! Thank you for sharing--feedback is greatly appreciated since it helps those who are following discern if they are hearing Him! Have a wonderful day Sarah :D
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Re: Is a date always a date?

Post by discerning »

Hi, Sarah, and a belated welcome to you. Great question and much wisdom offered by keilani. I've had similar experiences as she shared throughout the years. To answer your question directly (is a date always a date?) I'd say no... not 'always'. Actually, I'd say 'rarely'. There's never an 'always' as Papa speaks to each of us in a language we can understand. And in my experience, just when you think you've got a handle on your own personal dream vocabulary, Papa will switch it up. Point being, He desires us to be dependent on Him, not on symbols.

It's wonderful that the puzzle pieces are fitting together for you. Glory! Now I'm led to ask, what are you gong to DO with it when you get the big picture? Not asking for details here, just offering something to prayerfully consider. An interpretation to a God given dream is a blessing to be sure. Revelation comes through prayer. Then there's required activation on our part to see it to completion.

Without that, it will forever remain a dream.

blessings on you,

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